Who is this "Oden"?

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I too believe Rockstar is a Trojan Horse, mostly an ally of Blackbeard.
I think he's a spy for Xebec... and the name Rocks Star is like Beast all star or something of the sort... and the fact that e specifically stated that he was very famous in old days... makes it more plausible.... naturally many will make big memes about it and making fun of those theories... but when Oda does it and it happens... all those memes will become into "OMG, Goda, I can't believe this... never expected this" type of stupid ignorant shit LOL when all they did before is just bash any idea that is BOLD and GUTSY


Well anyway it is really doubtful that this character is Hiyori or her Mother since it will not be surprising at all.
This isnt from Judge. The whole point is that it was Sora's Drug that modified Sanji, so he lost Judge's modifications. Anything new he got, it was due to the drug....

Marigold is a Zoan, she has tough skin to protect herself....

What Sanji has nothing close to other people. At this point Sanji is a Paramecia Fire user. I dont see how you find it logical that a normal being Sanji just shits out fire without a special fire style, weapon, technique, DF. You just somehow believe Sanji creates flames from thin air whilst still being normal....
Other people do it too. It's the same as people shitting out body hardening while being normal. This is a manga and people have special powers. There is literally no reason to believe soras drug somehow altered sanji. And again, just being a zoan doesn't fully negate fire damage? You can't explain Marigold way like this, or king, or luffy for that matter. Or other dfs that dont have anything to do with fire like fucking mochi. Or the sword techniques. They all utilize the same kind of power, some use outside heat starters, others who are better don't. Sanji developt that shit on his own, not because of genes. If he was the only one to show these types of moves, then maybe you'd have a theory. But he isn't, so it's logical to conclude that they are related and come from the same kind of technique. His heart burning hotter than his flames is just pre timeskip haki talk. Sabji and the trio all awakened haki pre timeskip without knowing it and sanji developed his first diable jambe from that, which needed an outside heat source to get started, which was the spin. Now he just says flame on like jhonny fuckibg storm because he has trained it.
Most likely wrong. Mihawk is the Kind of guy that would be desperate to beat Shanks to prove that he is Worthy of his title no matter what Handicap his Opponent has as long as he is still possibly stronger than Mihawk. And Shanks is the type of guy who values friendship over fame so he would not challenge Mihawk and risk hurt his pride by doing so. The fact that Shanks did so anyway and that Mihawk instead looks down on him tells us that they must have been equal back then.
I can go almost either way, but I think current Mihawk is above current Shanks.
Very good analysis...100 percent agreed :cheers:
Also, think about going beyond a notch from Oda to hype his next opponents... for example:

1- It started with "strongest swordsman in the world" when Oda revealed Mihawk...

2- Then introduced "strongest man in the world"

3- Then since WB was an ally, Oda introduced an alternative "strongest creature in the world" with Kaido...
Kaido will be defeated this arc, so it wouldn't bring us hype to know all next opponents will be weaker than Kaido... so what's next?

4- Well, Blackbeard already a Yonko while he is still NEW to TWO DFs, and one of them, can strip away Luffy from his DF powers... potentially Blackbeard is still rising in power to have the ability to SURPASS other Yonko...

5- what's next after Blackbeard, here comes the New Title "Strongest Being/Entity in History" which is the final villain type of moniker/title...
Other people do it too. It's the same as people shitting out body hardening while being normal. This is a manga and people have special powers. There is literally no reason to believe soras drug somehow altered sanji. And again, just being a zoan doesn't fully negate fire damage? You can't explain Marigold way like this, or king, or luffy for that matter. Or other dfs that dont have anything to do with fire like fucking mochi. Or the sword techniques. They all utilize the same kind of power, some use outside heat starters, others who are better don't. Sanji developt that shit on his own, not because of genes. If he was the only one to show these types of moves, then maybe you'd have a theory. But he isn't, so it's logical to conclude that they are related and come from the same kind of technique. His heart burning hotter than his flames is just pre timeskip haki talk. Sabji and the trio all awakened haki pre timeskip without knowing it and sanji developed his first diable jambe from that, which needed an outside heat source to get started, which was the spin. Now he just says flame on like jhonny fuckibg storm because he has trained it.
You still dont understand that Sanji's flames come from his emotions. Who else has flames happening due to their emotions....Literally no one. It isnt about mastery at all. Fucking hell Thriller Bark Sanji showed more flames than most of Post Timeskip Sanji.

Well whatever...we'll see real soon.
bro first of all this has nothing to do "philosophy" in anyway shape or form
second of all are u saying that Kaido chose to writhe in agony.. I'm pretty sure the reason why he resorted to hybrid was coz he was getting blitzes left and right and couldn't keep up with the form he was in.. and after the beating he got from luffy bruh even BM admitted that they have underestimated SN's.. his big body was a open free target mid air.. plus maneuvering on land is different than air.. and worst case as a serpent.

Look look bro i agree with the fact that just coz someone is big doesn't mean they are slow.. true i get the oars part too...but what I mean is that just coz the opponent is fast in his big DF that doesn't mean that they would be able to perceive and evade every move which is definitively false.. thats what i meant.. kaido being able to dodge or not doesn't matter if he can't perceive and react to attacks in his form... and thats where i disagreed that.. its quite opposite for kaido even if lets assume he's mobile in his df form.. he has pretty much shown to be a very easy target in his DF form .. the same analogy goes for oars even tho he is mobile (a statement that i didn't disagreed upon) he has been shown to be an easy target regardless of his mobility.. what make him an easy target is his size.. in Kaku's case he's relatively shorter or small compared to the 2 behemoths.. hence his perception make for a good counter ... plus the only reason why zoro couldn't cut his neck is coz Kaku used Ryankaku the flying leg slash thing... but the point is that Kaku cannot be compared to behemoths like kaido and oars since its still really easy to react to attacks and perceive them with Kaku's size which also reduces the number of attacks that can land on his body.. he is big enough to counter any attack to his weak spots like he did against zoro..but kaido and Oars are so big that its quite the opposite for them when u compare them with a relatively agile and perceptive guy like Kaku.. (they can't perceive attacks and tend to be an easier target) .. ... and kaido hadn't hinted of him taking all the attack just to test the SN if he did then he wouldn't have countered their attacks too what is head canon is assuming that he let them hit.. bruh.. plus whats with u calling whatever u disagree with head canon without even backing up your claim with fax... pretty ironic

so your "philosophy" has some untended holes.. hope that patches things up.

..... soo yea thats 10/10 logik right there.. you're understanding will determine your IQ... please don't shame your name's reputation :)
I only had to read the first line to respond you are even more dense than a god damn wall.
You still dont understand that Sanji's flames come from his emotions. Who else has flames happening due to their emotions....Literally no one. It isnt about mastery at all. Fucking hell Thriller Bark Sanji showed more flames than most of Post Timeskip Sanji.

Well whatever...we'll see real soon.
In my opinion Sanji's flames has something to do with either Sora's drug or a special kind of armament Haki that's tied to emotions that Sanji is very proficient in.
I came here just to tell all those idiots who thought that Hoyagoro is going die: Stop overestimating Oda, he's not going to kill anyone.
LOL, true!

Also, one more thing since you mentioned Hyogorou... It annoys the hell out of me when I see people in community SPECIALLY youtubers complaining about the clout Hyogorou was getting last chapter about Kaido recruiting him or him teaming with Oden vs Kaido.... and ignorantly saying this was never hinted at... when literally we had:

1- Queen saying that in Udon prison Kaido wanted to recruit him because he impressed Kaido with his prowess
2- Kaido himself telling Oden in the beginning of their war that he was AFRAID Oden would team up with Hyogorou if he was his old self Oden who was reckless and didn't care about casualties...
3- Oden flashback had Hyogorou stating that they contineously trying to recruit him to Oden

All of this and then we have some people saying "what??? Hygorou isn't that powerful, stop this cap, this was never hinted at"

LMAO, what a weird community
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