Who is this "Oden"?

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But honestly, different then Apoo, Hawkins is a man of rationality. He always acts following Odds and we dont know how far these odds reach. I can understand him, even tho he lacks on trust and heart here. But this will lead to a big character improvement of Hawkins.

I guess when hawkins comes into play again, he will see again that the chances for the win of Luffy and Kid are smaller. Maybe about 70/30 for winning of Yonkos. But in the first time, he will show trust in these two, get convinced and choose against his odds. So he puts the numbers by side and steps forward. Leading into an increase of the numbers by a few %, without him seeing it.
Hawkins had for sure more reasons than Apoo, he was in the same situation of Kidd and Killer but (as he said) "They were not like me and fought till the end". He basically made a decision based on rationality, not on guts. This way missed the requirements to lead the NG.
Now, Hawkins is missing since 17 chapters and I hope Oda is planing something goodd for him, a sort of game changer
Cause for now, even if Apoo was the dirtiest, the snitch, he impressed me way more both character wise and combat wise then Hawkins
I'm waiting with patience tho
Well, tbh it looked like Queen wanted to fight Marco at the end of last chapter, but Oda didn't deliver.

But yes, 2v1 my ass. King is Marco's main focus. There's no coordination between the calamities, no combo, nothing. When King lands an attack Marco regenerates. When Marco lands one he has a small window to check on Queen and intervene if necessary. Too bad to Queen is doing nothing like 99% of the time. He just stands there watching.
To be fair he was justified in wanting to take out Hyogoro
They said dressrosa was gonna be the arc of Sanji, but Usopp stole the spotlight. They said WCI was gonna be the arc of Sanji, but Brook outperformed Sanji. In Wano, Oda built up a potential enmity between Queen and Sanji, but Chopper is going crazy. Dont loose ur home Sanji fans, he will shine one day. Believe me..... believe me..... beeeelieeve meeeee
Sanji fans live in your head rent free too? I never heard any like that and not really Brook stole much on Sanji in spotlight for WCI especially he saved the crew from Big Mom who was going to take them all out.

Also lol hope your not believing Chopper can solo Queen just because he is held back in this chapter by Macro for a gag? Headcannons are getting even more desperate :cheers:.
You mean this website where it's biased with people saying Zoro is stronger than even Luffy? Lol having toxic group here doesn't speak for the community as a whole though. Now your getting desperate.

Then allowed me give you Headcannonman for now onward if you want be childish about it. I can't fixed someone who choose to be ignorance for a living :cheers:.
So 90% of the people on this site are ignorant or biased because they dont agree with you? Makes total sense LOL

Also your insults are awful, at least come up with good ones I feel bad for you at this point
They said dressrosa was gonna be the arc of Sanji, but Usopp stole the spotlight. They said WCI was gonna be the arc of Sanji, but Brook outperformed Sanji. In Wano, Oda built up a potential enmity between Queen and Sanji, but Chopper is going crazy. Dont loose ur home Sanji fans, he will shine one day. Believe me..... believe me..... beeeelieeve meeeee
I dont believe you, sorry.
I told you guys to stop thinking Being YC means Queen or king have better dura automatically than Flyers
Each df has its advantages
Queen is tanku but perhaps his fruit doesn't boost his dura like P1.

P1 did bleed and was out cold from g3
Queen bleeding from Chopper slap is just low for him

Calamities aren't Kaido!
They have the same zoan class fruits : ancient as flyers.
If Oda wanted them to be special he would give them mythical fruits like Marco.

Marco AP and stamina are overrated
Calamities are also overrated
Bro it isn't Marco, it is Sanji,Luffy and Big mom too. All showing didn't show what Chopper did. Marco let bleed Queen last chapter. Pageone barely bleed from G3.
So 90% of the people on this site are ignorant or biased because they dont agree with you? Makes total sense LOL

Also your insults are awful, at least come up with good ones I feel bad for you at this point
Seems like it. The moment you state stuff like I mention, you don't have credibility anymore. Think with your brains, not your egos.

Bruh your hitting me with 'headcannon' talk. Please don't talk on 'comebacks' :suresure:.


Don't forget Marco fought for 40 minutes whiles Perospero faced Sulong Carrot and Wanda for at least an hour

Oda always uses Marco for famservice feats

Nobody Marco has fought, has ever taken him seriously except Teach who low diffed him :
He could stall Trolling Kizaru but caught easily by VA
He could stall and hurt Prometheus but as soon as Linlin gets serious, choked.
He could stall casual King (and casual Queen) but both dont even take him seriously, especially Queen

Look at him being damaged and exhausted while Queen is fresh
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