no mihawks title is STRONGEST swordsman so hes the STRONGEST swordsman
I guess my take on the first post was misunderstood by everyone and thought that I only view pure swordsmen as the legit swordsmen, I clearly don't...
But it goes like this, take this as an example: A world class mixed martial artist who can box fought a world class boxer in a boxing match, since in a boxing match you are only allowed to use your hands, the mixed martial artist lost because his boxing skills is clearly inferior... The mixed martial artist can also be considered as a boxer since he also box, but the mixed martial artist really is more than just a boxer... If he is allowed to use other body parts, the boxer will likely lose as he's only limited to boxing even if he's the best boxer, especially if the mixed martial artist is also one of the best overall...
That's what I'm trying to say...