General & Others Protecting Luffy was as much as Sanji's moment as it was Zoro's.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Sanji gets KO'ed due to the hilt strike.
*well, makes totally sense. he was pretty battered up. No way he could survive. It's just logical.*

Zoro almost gets taken out by a mere fraction of the pain bubble and somehow manages to survive something dozens of times worse than that, in a completely unrealistic feat that defies the entire logic of the "teasing".
*omg, beautiful scene. makes total sense because zoro*.

Ignoring the title which is obviously false and bait, the OP argument is logical and factual.
At that moment, Sanji was also just as loyal and willing to give his life for the crew. Prior to that scene, the entire crew showed same loyalty before getting blasted with Ursus shock.

To Zoro fans getting baited: Cmon people you should know better. The manga certainly supports that Sanji at that moment wanted to sacrifice himself for the crew. Whether or not he would've survived isn't the OP argument


World's Strongest Swordsman
Ignoring the title which is obviously false and bait, the OP argument is logical and factual.
At that moment, Sanji was also just as loyal and willing to give his life for the crew. Prior to that scene, the entire crew showed same loyalty before getting blasted with Ursus shock.

To Zoro fans getting baited: Cmon people you should know better. The manga certainly supports that Sanji at that moment wanted to sacrifice himself for the crew. Whether or not he would've survived isn't the OP argument
It is the point
if sanji took it and died
luffy would quit his dream
sacrificing yourself for luffys dream only for that to be the reason he quits is counter intuitive
thats why it had to be zoro
Sanji gets KO'ed due to the hilt strike.
*well, makes totally sense. he was pretty battered up. No way he could survive. It's just logical.*

Zoro almost gets taken out by a mere fraction of the pain bubble and somehow manages to survive something dozens of times worse than that, in a completely unrealistic feat that defies the entire logic of the "teasing".
*omg, beautiful scene. makes total sense because zoro*.

One Piece in general has a "defy the impossible because of willpower" theme.


Cope Doctor
Considering Sanji would faint if he tried to take that small ball of pain that Kuma gave to Zoro at the start.....No, it was not LMAO.

Sanji has garbage endurance, accept it.
Somewhat sanji took gattling gun from oars and that is more badass than pain bubble since luffy didnt got hurt much in that fight... zolo was taken out by single kick :kayneshrug:
In terms of loyalty, zoro, chopper & brook is most loyal crew member of SHs whereas sanji, nami, nico robin & usopp at some point left the crew to fulfill their personal goal, main point they didnot believe in luffy that he could help them.

I left out franky becoz one time in dressrosa he said "luffy no matter what you say i will fight with these little people"
Little parting thread before I go on my one week hiatus...

People always love to use Thriller Bark as a reason to show that Zoro has the highest loyalty. And their reasoning is beyond faulty.

At the end of the day, Zoro and Sanji both had the same resolve. Whtether Sanji could tank the pain of Luffy is another entire discussion. If Sanji took it and died, he wouldn't look less than Zoro in loyalty to Luffy. The only thing that mattered that day.... in terms of loyalty was the ones sacrificing their lives for Luffy. All Zoro got was the feat of enduring Luffy's pain. However Sanji and Zoro were both equal with their resolve. Oda rehashes that several times.

So again why do people always confuse the feat of taking the pain.... with the concrete resolution both Zoro and Sanji showed. Being the one to have carried Luffy's pain doesnt make you anymore loyal. It just shows your tuff. The sacrificial moment against Kuma, was as much Sanji's moment as it was Zoro's moment. Zoro just got the bonus feat at the end. Nothing more. If Oda wanted this to be Zoro's sole moment. He would've excluded Sanji from it. And he wouldn't have carried on giving praise to Sanji after the moment as well.

Stop sleeping on Sanji

Stephen translation:
I agree but disagree.
I would say protecting luffy was a moment for zoro, as it was for sanji protecting zoro. This moment is very powerful, because sanji put his life not for luffy but for zoro, and he is the only mugiwara explicitly willing to die in favor of a mugi that is not luffy to be able to keep chasing his dream. In Baratie Sanji was shocked by the will of zoro to rather die than giving up his dream, and zoro (maybe even more than luffy) is the reason why sanji joined the straw hats.
I agree but disagree.
I would say protecting luffy was a moment for zoro, as it was for sanji protecting zoro. This moment is very powerful, because sanji put his life not for luffy but for zoro, and he is the only mugiwara explicitly willing to die in favor of a mugi that is not luffy to be able to keep chasing his dream. In Baratie Sanji was shocked by the will of zoro to rather die than giving up his dream, and zoro (maybe even more than luffy) is the reason why sanji joined the straw hats.
You're highly mistaken. Sanji wanted Zoro to throw away his ambition because...he didn't want to see Zoro die.
Same reason why Usopp wanted Nami to betray Luffy a few chaps ago. Secondly because WSS is something Sanji is not interested in.

Go reread Baratie arc, Sanji's dream for the All Blue became a debt to Zeff. Sanji put his life on the line for his debt to Zeff and protected the Baratie to the point where Luffy and Gin were shocked.