It'd be retarded for him to chase Momo or the Scabbards around at this point. He'd gain nothing by killing them if his biggest threat....KAIDO... Is still around
Right right right... But you know, he is WEAK though... You are not taking into account how weak he is compared to ANYTHING you are saying he is gonna pull off
the only ONLY kind of allies he has are Kanjuro who you are saying he isn’t working with. Fukurokuju who is weak too given how weak Hotei is. AND MAYBE CP-0
Now CP-0 is the interesting party here because they do stand to gain from specifically Orochi being in charge as opposed to Kaido who wants to start his world war or the alliance who will stop trading weapons with CP-0.
hehehe, now I’m even helping your point trying to find how this weak ass Below veteran level guy can even do anything. So then Orochi with CP-0 and Fukurokuju have to mastermind a way to defeat both the beast pirates and the alliance. The only way is a mystery OP devil fruit among the CP-0 guys. Orochi isn’t actually smart enough to do anything so Oda will have to throw in an OP DF among the CP-0 guys to balance this out.