Versus Battle Hero Association vs the Yonko

No Saitama

Atomic Samurai
Child Emperor
Metal Knight
Drive Knight
Pig God
Superalloy Darkshine
Flashy Flash
Watchdog Man
Genos (newest version)
Metal Bat
Tanktop Master
Puri Puri Prisoner
Sweet Mask
Atomic Samurai’s 3 disciples
34 A class heroes
100 B class heroes
390 C class heroes


Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks, MF Whitebeard, and all of their soldiers.

Scenario 2: Add Blast and put him at Orochi level

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Bang is not impressive at all for OP standards he'd get wrecked by a lot of characters.
He and Bombs feat against Elder Centipede was on par with everything the Yonko have shown.

Metal Knight was stated to be able to handle a God Level threat, and Blast and Tatsu are on his level. Can’t see the Yonko standing up to that. Boros and Orochi weren’t even god level threats and both are > the Yonko
Bang is not impressive at all for OP standards he'd get wrecked by a lot of characters.

Tatsumaki wrecks though, Metal Knight's hype implies he could too. Give them Flashy for good measure.

The entire S class combined would wreck them without question.
Idk about that. Kaido one shot Luffy, who would be a Dragon level threat.

The Yonko should all be Orochi level, so it would take Tatsumaki and Metal Knight to handle 2 of them. A team up of Bang, Darkshine, Flash, Atomic Samurai, Child Emperor, and Sweet Mask would at least be needed for the other 2.

B class heroes are only about as strong as a bear, so most of them would struggle against Ministers. Tanktop Master could probably rival Jozu since he had a similar lifting feat. The other S class heroes should range from Vet to YC1 level


The Yonko should win imo though I am not entirely sure and am open to discussion. The top tiers in One Piece make up the difference I feel.

Whitebeard wipes out like half the forces by himself with an attack on this level:

And his quakes have country lvl DC. In the OPM verse it seems like most of them stop at Multi City (outside of Tatsumaki), since most of the S Class are comparable to Dragon Level threats:

I think just based on that the Yonkos could overwhelm them but the Hero Association is versatile so it could either way if they had prep.

He and Bombs feat against Elder Centipede was on par with everything the Yonko have shown.
Was it? I think we have seen more impressive feats in One Piece:

+ all of Whitebeard’s seaquakes and tsunamis.
And more, these are just a few. But Bang and Bomb’s attack couldn’t have been on par with any of these showings from the Yonko and other characters which reach Island lvl in DC. Bang and Bomb have never shown attacks on this level imo.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Was it? I think we have seen more impressive feats in One Piece:
Bang and Bomb shattered Elder centipedes shell while Whitebeard couldn’t break the encircling wall.

Heaven and Earth would have very little effect on the S class heroes, it’s just an earth tilt. It would only disorient them really.

I’ll say again, Metal Knight is confirmed to be able to handle a God Level threat, and not even Boros Who is planetary and Orochi Who is basically continental were god level.

Boros would Solo the Yonko and Orochi individually is > each Yonko and Metal Knight can presumably defeat both.

And Tatsu ~ Blast ~ Metal Knight


Bang and Bomb shattered Elder centipedes shell while Whitebeard couldn’t break the encircling wall.

Heaven and Earth would have very little effect on the S class heroes, it’s just an earth tilt. It would only disorient them really.

I’ll say again, Metal Knight is confirmed to be able to handle a God Level threat, and not even Boros Who is planetary and Orochi Who is basically continental were god level.

Boros would Solo the Yonko and Orochi individually is > each Yonko and Metal Knight can presumably defeat both.

And Tatsu ~ Blast ~ Metal Knight
When I say half the forces I mean the C Class and B class, the Heaven and Earth Shaker would take them out. But that is besides the main point I was making.

The feat Bang and Bomb produced:

this then results in one of the shells of Elder Centipede breaking
On par with everything the Yonko have shown? This feat is put at mountain level by most power scaling sites, and I would say that is accurate considering Elder Centipede is big enough destroy a city just by moving around. Mountain level feats are what dudes like Law and Zoro have done (not even going all out). With the Yonko its easily Island level and beyond. That feat Bang and Bomb produced are not on par with everything the Yonko have shown.

Yeah Boros is a planet buster potentially and he could solo the OP verse by himself based on that. I’m not sure how strong Orochi is, considering how he completely wrecked Garou and adapts like crazy, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt of being around continental or country though I’d have to look into that.

Also about Metal Knight defeating Boros, I’m not sure any S Class could have tbh including Tatsumaki. Boros was a legit Planet Buster, he probably could have been too much for any one of them. But yeah I already acknowledged that Tatsumaki can throw hands with the Yonko and Metal Knight could too since he is portrayed as a top 4 within the S Class, but I don’t think the both of them make up the gap of 2 against 4 plus the YCs are comparable to some S Class heroes.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
OP vs OPM has always been a little tricky given how much their abilities fluctuates between the 2 series.

Faster character in OP: Kizaru who is light speed
Faster character in OPM minus Saitama: Boros by feats

Highest AP OP: WB is the prime candidate its island splitter.
Highest AP OPM: Boros who can destroy the surface of the planet with one blast. Then you have Tatsumaki you can quickly lift and flatten and island, Metal Knight who can blow up a city and other dragon levels can do the same.

Highest Durability OP: Kaido by feats. Can fall 100k feet with only a headache and then there's Jozu who is diamond.
Highest Durability OPM: Awakened Garou by feats who took multiple hits from Saitama without a scratch and those hits sent him tunneling underground or so high in the air that he couldnt see the ground. The lower characters are out of it with building level attacks.

Realistically, aside from the overpowered OPM characters, most of them cant even see One Piece characters move.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
On par with everything the Yonko have shown? This feat is put at mountain level by most power scaling sites, and I would say that is accurate considering Elder Centipede is big enough destroy a city just by moving around. Mountain level feats are what dudes like Law and Zoro have done (not even going all out). With the Yonko its easily Island level and beyond. That feat Bang and Bomb produced are not on par with everything the Yonko have shown.
Oh my, how did I miss this lol.

Okay so no, Bang and Bomb's feat was far above Mountain Level because EC's durability is far above mountain level. Metal Knight's missiles weren't even scratching the thing, and neither were Genos' lasers

Elder Centipede's durability is, to put it mildly, retarded. So this feat from Bang and Bomb:

Is just completely nuts.

And I must stress,

This is not Bang & Bomb's strongest technique, Abandonment is stronger than this technique that the two of them used. So Bang & Bomb have techniques above this.

I would say given his durability, shattering EC is around an island level feat in terms of sheer brute force, and again, this isn't even Bang & Bomb's final form
Honestly the Hero Association clearly wins this.

Tatsumaki solos any Yonko and therefore Blast solos one even easier than she does.

Flashy Flash + Darkshine + Watchdog Man beat a Yonko

Bang, Drive Knight, and Atomic Samurai beat a Yonko

The others are YC level. Metal Knight does a lot of damage to the crews with his army of high Demon level robots and his giant AT-AT walker thing

S class alone is enough

It’s weird how big the gap between S class and A class is. All S class heroes are at minimum high tier in OP while all A tiers would barely even be low tier in OP, except for Amai Mask


Hate to necro a dead thread, but definitely not my guy, Zombieman would die a trillion times against any Yonko, not sure what his odds of outlasting them even are.

Depending what she does in next chaps Tatsumaki could probably solo. Yonko win for now, they have a big firepower advantage.