Who will Kaido fight?

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Formerly Seth

Law is just a Better zoro in every way

Bigger Bounty
have Real Backstory/Flashback than a kuina dead by strairs lmao
A Captain not a subordinate who his rival Killer one shot him with a nameless attack
This is what happens if Jo and Luke by any chance would have a child in any universe.
current Luffy is pushing Kaido to hybrid, yamato says Ace=Luffy
Akainu one shot ace
Makes sense the admirals are top tiers
Dude yamato compares base luffy to ace lol..........and no the SN's at best pushed kaido to hybrid..........5 of them........luffys g4 gatling + coa did nothing to kaido......same attack would destroy admiral lol........fujitora was getting pushed by g3 luffy with no adv haki........stop pushing your luck........
Fun observation.

Oden didnt say any "prophecy".
What he did was make a "bet" that, because of what he learned during his journey with Roger, that in 20 years, there would be a massive war.
Since they expected that during this war, someone would appear that would surpass Roger, he made the bet that these people would be the ones to stand a chance at beating Kaido, especially because they are supposed to fight him, because Road Poneglyph reasons.
It's not a prophecy. It's a bet.


Like when Jonny and the other dude said that "if those guys cant beat Arlong, East Blue is done for".
a prophecy is simply a prediction
thats exactly what oden did
''over 20 years ahead of us'' 22 years is over 20 years so all SNs qualify
The year were currently in is exactly 20 years after Oden died (this is the first year kinemon and Momo have returned). Which is when he said this.

Law and Kid entered the new world 18 years after this was stated. So either Oda forgot about the timeskip (which is very possible) or these supernovas are just red herrings.
im not a yonko fan go check, 984 and go cope
Dude yamato compares base luffy to ace lol..........and no the SN's at best pushed kaido to hybrid..........5 of them........luffys g4 gatling + coa did nothing to kaido......same attack would destroy admiral lol........fujitora was getting pushed by g3 luffy with no adv haki........stop pushing your luck....
no she doesn't I dont remember yamato saying hey you your g3 is comparable to ace
I remember her saying Your strength is comparable to ace, you can gauge opponents strength
Lol, no attacks would destroy an admiral they are superior to the yonkos :gonope:I'll ignore all your comments about the admirals I dont like talking to delusional yonko fans like you
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