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I absolutely hate Foxy’s arc, but Usopp has a bit when Luffy finds the Afro about how “Blacks are champs...or is it the champs are black??” that still makes me laugh and also makes me a little uncomfortable :arnoling::stop:
Which is was so stupidXD

The original text says nothing about black people. It was just a joke about an afro making you stronger at boxing.

It was a reference to many boxers having afro's in the past, which yes, most of whom were black.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Which is was so stupidXD

The original text says nothing about black people. It was just a joke about an afro making you stronger at boxing.

It was a reference to many boxers having afro's in the past, which yes, most of whom were black.
I definitely caught the reference even as a child, my father is a huge boxing fan and you didn’t have to watch too many bouts to notice that most of the strongest and technically proficient fighters were of the African persuasion...but the way it was fanslated back in the day just felt totally awkward, like it was one slur away from taking a hard left turn for a manga about pirates 🥶


Pepebusi Spammer
TAC is coming.

lets bail out.
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* 제목 "나락"

* 킨에몬 측과 오로치 측이 맞닥트리다

* 동물형으로 변신한 오로치를 아카자야 사무라이들이 쓰러트림(진짜 죽었는지는 알 수 없음)

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로 : 할 수 있다면 벌써 했다!! 패기가 너무 강해서 저놈들은 못 움직여
루피 : 큰 게 온다!!
카이도 & 빅 맘 : "○○"!!!!

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* 루피 공격 to 카이도

* 카이도 공격 to 루피 (이미지)
카이도 "항삼세ㆍ○나락"!!! to 루피

* 로 "샴블즈" to 제우스 into 키드가 만든 철로 된 공간
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* 키드 & 로의 연계로 빈손인 빅 맘을 오니가시마 밖에(바다 쪽으로) 추락시켜버림.

* 다음 호 휴재 없음

나 지금 그림 그리고 글 작성하자 바로 올리는 건데.. 내가 올리는 시간 고정적인 거 아니라고, 마감 맞추듯이 해야 할 의무 있는 것도 아니라고 분명 미리 말했음. 그리고 갤 난리 나는 거 보고도 어쩐다 하는 밑에 글 하나만 봤는데, 그런 거 볼 시간도 없었고 봤다 하더라도 나더러 뭘 어쩌란 건지, 못 올린다 글 써봐야 나라는 신분 증명 어째 믿을 거라고 신비감 유지니 입꾹닫 시전이니 헛솔 지껄이는 건지도 모를이고 막말로 나한테 스포 맡겨놨길 했나 진짜.
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