Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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Kid and Law combining the finishing attack to separate the yonkous, while Killer and Zoro are supporting only with the task of stopping the homies (prometheus and napoleon) so that Law and Kid do the final task.

It was very clear the hierarchy of strength here Kid and Law> Zoro and Killer
Like, pushing a Yonko is very hard ig. Even harder than tanking his attacks.


When were you under the impression this game is..
I'm 90% positive we will see Law, Zoro, Killer, and Kid zero in on Kaido
And Luffy will somehow have to fight Meme.

The fact that they seperated her and not Kaido directly shows that those four have no need to fight Big Mom.

Since this is Luffy's problem that he brought her here, Luffy will have to deal with this problem. Zoro even warned him prior they literally can't take on two Yonko. Luffy v Big Mom 1v1 in the next ten chapters.
Luffy is fighting Kaido man come on, The whole point of this was to BFR BM.
MF Whitebeard was being compared to Yonko for wanking Admirals. Don't deny this.
Lmao, MF WB was a Yonkou, lol. He still hold that title. Why are u even going there. What does it have to do with yet another embarrassment of Big mom?

Anyone on the rooftop 5 can potentially mid-diff a scrub like Squardo.

Squardo was capable of piercing MF Whitebeard, and make him sweat and cough blood afterwards.
Fodder Marines could do that.

No one ever pierced Big mom and make her cough blood and make her sweat. Oda is still not lowballing her like he lowballed MF Whitebeard.
She is still the laughing stock of the Yonkou. Her incompetence reached new levels. At least MF WB got shit done.

Law's Hax teleportation can't even move Big mom due to her gigantic haki, you think a scrub like Squardo can damage Big mom's Haki?
What has Squardo damaging Big mom have anything to do with the topic which is Big mom's incompetence.

WB is a human with regular skin while Big mom is a natural born monster. She has greater durability, still not an excuse for how fucking incompetent she is.

At the very least Big mom > MF Whitebeard. Yet Big mom is being lowballed while MF Whitebeard is being used to wank Admirals.
You sound like a broken record. Who in this thread brought up MF WB?
You're the only one who does it. Are those the insecurities leaking out?

We're talking about what's happening in this chapter which is Big mom getting slammed of the Island.


- The Red Scabbards defeat Orochi and he transformed into his Yamato no Orochi form (although it is not known if he is really dead).
Hes not dead. Another fake death from Orochi, who's seriously gonna fall for this? Honestly , didnt excpect Oda to pull the same all over again, after it was revealed that Orochi is in fact alive.

Zoro stops the attack for a moment and is injured but the rest manage to dodge it
Oda surely likes injuring Zoro huh. Give that guy a break, Oda!
So BM and Kaido together are obviously too strong for Zoro. Makes sense.

And their haki being too strong fir Law to use his ability on them is a necessary addition imo. As it gives a limit to Law's power. Otherwise it would be too op.

Law uses his Shambles to put Zeus in a metal box created by Kid.
- Zoro cuts Prometheus.
- Killer attacks Napoleon.
- Thanks to a combined attack from Kid and Law since she does not have Zeus, Prometheus and Napoleon, they manage to throw Big Mom out of Onigashima and she falls into the sea.
It was to be excpected. Oda's treatment of BM is getting worse and worse. Now he just throws her off the roof just to throw her into the sea again?!
If she drowns now and dies that will be the cheapest way to kill off the only female Yonko after trashing and disrespecting her with the Olin plot and the wedding cake chase. Oda's un-ability to write female characters is ridiculous! Not that it wasnt to be excpected. But I'm just so disappointed in how BM could have been a menacing, threatening and competent villain.

And if this is a way to make her fall, have her crew catch her and then they all go to Elbaf, that would be just as bad.
New info regarding Big Mom from Redon.
"About Big Mom, it is not that it falls into the sea at the end of the chapter. They have just thrown it off the island and it starts to fall towards the sea, but you can't see it touching the water or anything (although without Zeus or Prometheus, it has no way of stopping the fall)."
She leave her crew with falling back out of Mama Chanter. And she going back via falling again and landing to mama chanter, would perfectly fit her.

Calling it right now,Big mom saved by her crew!!
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