Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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Sanji fans should stop comparing sanji to zoro . This arc is not his arc and it would never be . He would be lucky if he even gets to fight anyone. Oda is going that extreme to let us know that . We are mid way into the arc nearing the end and he is still useless. At this stage it would not surprise me if he is cooking right now . Its not that sanji is weak . He would always be equal to zoro in terms of strength. Oda has to make sacrifices this arc and amongst the monster trio sanji is the one to draw the short straw. The very moment enma was given to zoro it was game over. Just enjoy the arc for what it is. Zoro is showing feats which are recommendable, enjoy it . This is a Japanese themed arc, there is no way oda is gonna make zoro look bad in anyway or form . Yes as a result kaido and bm have to pay the price. You can think the yonkos are weaker than the admirals or vice versa, but truth is if any admiral was here on Wano he would have had worse treatment than what we are seeing . This is a Japanese themed arc zoro has enma. Do the maths.

Sanji is obviously fighting king and if not king somehow queen.

Also that’s a dumb statement in enies lobby sanji didn’t even fight till the end
Seeing how his shambles, amputate attacks are apparently ineffective due to their willpower/haki, using tact makes sense. It grants him huge environmental force control(it could allow him to lift battleships / deflect meteorites)
indeed .
but it really looks like against stronger opponents where they are immune to a certain extent to his abilities, he should really get his haki up .

also kidd's repel worked on big mom directly
guess he has more control over it .


You can't win
Jack fought base Inu/Neko back to back for 5 days no stop, while the Dukes had 12 hours turns for resting
Survived a fight against Fujitora and Sengoku
Survived a trunk smash from Zunisha
Sulong Carrot isn't veteran level, that's clear, but Jack really defeated the whole Sulong Army (with little to no help) before fighting Sulong Inu/Neko in tag
He recovered and defeated again the Minks on his way to the Scabbards, now he's starting a fight with Inu (will probably defeat him unless he gets some help)

Sounds like the most impressive Calamity to me, or at least the one who deserves this title the most...
Yup and Inu himself doesn't think he can win anyway. He claims to only want to stall Jack

But he'd probably get surprised by Jack's hybrid form until receiving some help(probably from Nekomamushi)
Zoro’s attack potency is much higher than Luffy’s.

Without future sight, I actually think Zoro > Luffy would be a reasonable take.

But as of right now I think Zoro = Luffy.
You can’t take away future sight

That’s like saying take away two of Zoros swords

Future sight is in luffys fighting style.

You can’t take away something in a fighters fighting styoe
Can we talk about how Kaido, a flying dragon who can lift an island, let Bigmom get kicked out of the Island without doing anything?
Most likely have to see how that went .
Could be the case of fighting luffy when it happen or he try to do something next chapter since BM fall at the end of this one .
Still flying clouds might be to slow to get to her and he might not be able to transform into a dragon faster enough with others in his way.
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