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What could have been...
It's actually a day ability and I haven't used it today yet.
just comply with us already
who did u add to ur wincon yesterday and who r the current 5 players.
ur getting lynched no matter what at this point, its a matter of when.

I killed him because I hate his avatar.

Next question please.
regardless of ur alignment, u will get yeeted for this i hope u know that
he was universally town read by others and what u did is simply anti-town. period.


What could have been...

anyway guys, time to end the dilemma

I want to hard claim survivor with a secondary wincon of investigating 3 certain players

I see town is hopeless and I need to stall the game for my win.

So short story short: I want to confirm Midnight Delight as town
so u investigated midnight as town?
what kinda wacky win con is this

are u guys lying or the hosts r trying too hard to be creative to the point where this isnt mafia anymore


What could have been...
What do you even have to negotiate with?
different faction scum perhaps? im sure ur win cons r related in one way or another.
u seem quiet interested in this negotiation

using my abilities (that are used for searching certain players in this game) in favour of whoever offers me allegiance
@MangoSenpai flavor wise, does this make sense?
so on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a town ability is this action u received?
if its a message or an NAI scum engineer ability then its very possible midnight's summate used it

i mean why wouldnt he use it day 1 or even tell us about it?
matter of fact @Midnight Delight @Gambit u guys shud just do full claim and state ur n1 actions
i trade all night long.

Top 4 scummiest guys.
you shoulda included yourself in that list
just comply with us already
who did u add to ur wincon yesterday and who r the current 5 players.
ur getting lynched no matter what at this point, its a matter of when.

regardless of ur alignment, u will get yeeted for this i hope u know that
he was universally town read by others and what u did is simply anti-town. period.
you're too gullible to lead the town.
Two Indies - Rej and Uwu
Four Mafia - Gambit TAC and two others

16 town - Four already dead. Me and Fuji are the only confirmed Town atm.

We need to find out the last two Mafia
brilliant. so fucking brilliant. is this what you called "realization"? well, reality bites, no?
so u investigated midnight as town?
what kinda wacky win con is this

are u guys lying or the hosts r trying too hard to be creative to the point where this isnt mafia anymore
I think Midnight was possibly busdriven even if Rej invested him so he possibly invested the busdriven player assuming he is telling the truth.
Are you guys even reading. He "investigated" Gambit, but got Juliet instead. So that makes Gambit bus driven by scum. Then he concluded that Midnight is town.

You know that tagging people doesn't make them log on any faster, right?
Yes, but it annoys you so it's fantastic :shocking:
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