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What could have been...
so on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a town ability is this action u received?
if its a message or an NAI scum engineer ability then its very possible midnight's summate used it

i mean why wouldnt he use it day 1 or even tell us about it?
matter of fact @Midnight Delight @Gambit u guys shud just do full claim and state ur n1 actions
I was barely allowed to talk on Day One thanks to Light leading a Bandwagon against me


Holy Simp
Eh, why do you think the town vig ruined your "progress", and not scum?
you want to know?

I investigated Gambit so I can offer something in case of pressure. But he was transported with Juliet and my results literally match with Juliets role.

Now think about it, why should Gambit be saved via a bus-drive when he was about to get lynched?
Correct, a scum bus-driver. That makes Midnight town by PoE.

you want to know?

I investigated Gambit so I can offer something in case of pressure. But he was transported with Juliet and my results literally match with Juliets role.

Now think about it, why should Gambit be saved via a bus-drive when he was about to get lynched?
Correct, a scum bus-driver. That makes Midnight town by PoE.

:king: I love it, Rej.


Holy Simp
I know them. They can be capable of a lot of stuff, but investigation for wincon? It makes no sense :giogio:
Are you trying to frame me? You should literally be elaborative about that Natalija. Why does it not make sense?
Secondly I am a professional host, I can for sure vouch for my claim to make sense, because why should a person like me who takes allegiance and mechanics serious to the core make up something that doesn't make sense?


Zoro Worshipper

Rej claims he has to investigate players as a survivor, how so? Peculiar. But he was prompt in coming out despite not the fulcrum of attention.

Fujishiro's behaviour is so awkward. Do you recall guys the time he was kinda aligning with Light, it was at the game beginning. It's a tinfoil for now.

Still reading Mid as more likely scum. I don't get T-Pein's rationale for claiming that the fact he asserts he can survive both lynches and bullets renders him most likely town.

Midnight, Light, one in between Usopp and Fujishiro, T-Pein.

My scummiest reads.
Are you trying to frame me? You should literally be elaborative about that Natalija. Why does it not make sense?
Secondly I am a professional host, I can for sure vouch for my claim to make sense, because why should a person like me who takes allegiance and mechanics serious to the core make up something that doesn't make sense?
Precisely because you're a host, I think you're capable of making up shit. But you just told the truth, so I'm happy.


What could have been...
Yooo wasup wasup wasup.

Stop tunneling me.
I am town.
I lied btw,
I made several posts last phase.
I will always be active.
I will always be here.
thoughts on LG?

also @Jew D. Boy can u post today or no?

Ok guys 3 scenarios:

Mid is town and someone town read them and gave them Lynch immunity (less likely)

Mid is town and someone gave them a Lynch immunity to frame them.

Mid is scum and sent me that to get out of this,though he gave me something really strong and I doubt scum would give a townie something like that just to pretend to help.

+the fact that dude seems scared of getting Lynched again, maybe it wasn’t his and he doesn’t know who did it?

Anyways do with this what you will, I really gotta go as I got finals to prepare for.

Tag me if need be.
i dont think scum will grant mid immunity if he is town. they would save that for one of them, say for example if gambit was getting lynched they would give gambit the lynch immunity today if he was scum.

and i dont think a townie would give midnight lynch immunity either because rly none town read him

so its either mid is scum or a town with lynch immunity. but he denies lynch immunity so hes insta scum in my book

dont over think it too much. and by any chance if the ability u received is a bus drive or protective ability, then big chance this is the mafia meal delivery guy's doing


Holy Simp

Rej claims he has to investigate players as a survivor, how so? Peculiar. But he was prompt in coming out despite not the fulcrum of attention.

Fujishiro's behaviour is so awkward. Do you recall guys the time he was kinda aligning with Light, it was at the game beginning. It's a tinfoil for now.

Still reading Mid as more likely scum. I don't get T-Pein's rationale for claiming that the fact he asserts he can survive both lynches and bullets renders him most likely town.

Midnight, Light, one in between Usopp and Fujishiro, T-Pein.

My scummiest reads.
Tbh I don't want people to waste time on figuring me out. And I wanna continue to shitpost so people understand. Atleast I hope they understand.



What could have been...
honestly light could be mafia with midnight and reaping the benefits of his lynch immunity for town cred. its a bit of a tinfoil rn...

and for now imma have nat inside town pool

i wanna try to continuesly keep establishing a town pool for PoE's sake, and u can tell scum is rly scared of having such pool around as they killed most of the ones we developed yesterday
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