One Piece Chapter 962 Spoilers Discussion

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I personally doubt about it being about Izo or the traitor because the message was specifically made for Luffy. Just think about it, if it was about traitor or Izo, shouldn't Marco just told or warn Neko about it without mentioning Luffy specifically?

It can be right ofc but for me it just seems off.
The line that caught my attention was "You said you were going to Wano", so if it was a message to Luffy regardless of which island he's going to he wouldn't have said that.

Then I thought it was maybe about Kaido's past with WB and Rocks but then Marco himself said he didn't know much about that.

So the only connection Marco had left to Wano is Izu. So I thought the message is about Izu himself or information to Luffy via Izu.

Either way I hope Neko comes into the picture at the start of the war with the juicy details.
This chapter confirms that Orochi was already a greedy and treacherous snake with him stealing money and framing Oden for it.

It also foreshadows the invasion of Wano by the Beast Pirates with the newspaper being basically talking about Kaido being assembling a very strong crew and powerful subordinates.

Those who thought that Izo was one of the original scabbards instead of Kiku will have at least the satisfaction of knowing that they are brothers. The chapter also confirms the theory that Izo is from Wano which makes the fact that WB didn't come to Wano after Oden's death even more of a paradox.

MD Zolo

Those who thought that Izo was one of the original scabbards instead of Kiku will have at least the satisfaction of knowing that they are brothers. The chapter also confirms the theory that Izo is from Wano which makes the fact that WB didn't come to Wano after Oden's death even more of a paradox.
It can be explained as that Orochi's main role has always been to deter WB. Orochi riled up people of Wano against outsiders and so WB thought to leave them alone. It's not like he could've saved anyone, so him attacking Wano only to be deterred by Wanonians is pointless.
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