Future Events Why it’s a possibility Zoro fights King

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1. Zoro vs king seems impossible after zoro has come to the roof but it may not be especially after 1009. 1009 showed us zoro coughing up blood and blood seemingly coming out of his nose. Oda could have also been hinting of zoro “dropping out” in last chapter

2. Zoro and sanji throughout the majority of fights always fight at a disadvantage or with an injury. At the moment zoro and sanji are both injured.The start of zoro and sanji being injured in their fights started at arlong park. Sanji with ribs broken and mihawks wound zoro got.

3. Right now both zoro and sanji are in their typical condition before their respective 1v1s start.

4. The reason I believe zoro and sanji vs king and queen can still happen and is likely. In wano zoro has only fought swordsman. In wano sanji has only fought dinosaurs. Is it a coincidence king is a sword user and queen is a dinosaur?

5. Zoro typically fights the right hand. Sanji typically fights the third strongest who has a sort of gag. People say don’t group up zoro and sanji together when the author of their story their reading does it himself

6. the number on sanjis jacket is a 32. Queens bounty is 1.32 billion beris.if sanji fight queen who fights king? Oda is not giving the second strongest beast pirate and right hand of the main villain to someone who’s not a straw hat. So that’s zoro.

7. It seems like I’m grouping zoro with sanji in the final point but I’m not. King can’t be defeated by somebody like Marco. It doesn’t even make sense.

8. Why did Oda bring zoro to the roof? He brought him there because he will be back later. The point of zoro being on the roof was a way for Oda to stall zoro just like Oda stalled sanji by having him captured by Black Maria.

9. Oda is actually repeating the same plot point with sanji and zoro. They both are involved in a plot then don’t appear for a few chapters before appearing at the end. The next chapter (sanji and zoro) get badly hurt. Sanji by Black Marias punches zoro by hakai

10. That’s why I think Zoro vs king and sanji vs queen can happen. Zoros bandana is off and he is coughing up blood. Zoro has never been like this especially mid battle. Everytime zoro is beat up badly is at the end of a fight when he finishes it.

11. I think if zoro vs king doesn’t happen it will just be sanji vs king and drake vs queen.

Conclusion. I think that sanji vs king is the biggest possibility and drake vs queen.

but zoro vs king and sanji can queen should not be discounted.
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I thought people who said zoro vs king were delusional until 1009 where zoro is bleeding out of his mouth and nose and the fact he seems he’s in bad shape. It makes sense if he gets teleported down imo


Welcome to the House of Hope
Thats a cool img.

For real.
I was, at first, excited for Sanji vs Calamity.
Any of them.
Couldn't give two fucks about "hurr durr jack is injured". That's just retarded. Even more so when 5 minutes later you have to read dozens of threads and posts of "BuT zOrO nEeDs TO bE inJurEd For aSuRA".

But it's been stalled for so long, that I legit think the timing is just off now.
I will settle for that sweet flame aerial greatness fight and that's it.
If it isn't King, might as well offscreen it and get the roof fight done already.
I already straight dislike this arc. Aside from pretty panels and DBZ shit, the storyline is garbage.
Waste chapters and chapters with scabbards vs Kaido. Tease freaking Sulong Dukes. They all get instant rekt.
Waste chapters and chapters with orochi. Fake his death, only for him to come back and get instant rekt as soon as the scabbards find him. For what? Waste of time? Or maybe ANOTHER fake death? LMAO.
Oda failed to deliver any sense of danger to the raid, as soon as he introduced a freaking ass "chess" board and artificially told the reader "hey, things dont look good for our heroes".
"But Oda, things seem kinda fine. The samurai are holding the BP off, Chopper is working on a cure that we KNOW its coming"
"Naaaaaah, trust me. If they dont beat the Flying 6 and Calamities, they lose. Trust me on this while I hype the Yonkos as these motherfucking beasts that are Super Sayan God Blue Hair, while everyone else is still Super Sayan 1. Then revert them back as "beatable" enemies, despite Kaido one shotting Luffy and he getting ZERO defensive upgrades and tanking even stronger attacks. My 15 year old self loves this kind of dumb shit".

Fuck this dude.
This is Fairy Tale level of garbage "war".
I like the Calamities and Flying 6, but they don't pose a threat just because Oda made some CP0 dude say so. If you dont SHOW that they are a threat, then you only have empty meaningless words, and believes your audience is gonna swallow every drop of shit you throw at them because you later draw one or other pretty panel.
Do they pose a threat? Kinda hard to believe that when you have one dude throwing the 2 strongest enemies below the roof left and right.
This raid feels like watching "The Last Jedi". A piece of garbage movie built upon a bunch of "GOTCHA!!!" moments.
And this rant comes despite I liking this week's chapter. Even though there were things there that I thought were reaaaaally dumb. But seeing the 4 SN's work together to, instead trying to beat Big Mom, simply disarming and casting her into the ocean was marvelous. Nice and creative team effort to ease the fight in their favor.
Traitor :seriously:

I already promised i would delete my account if Marco vs King happened. Now the same goes for Zoro vs King.
At this point, without considering the obvious pro Sanji vs King and Chopper/Drake vs Queen arguments that would make it seem Zoro vs King coming out of nowhere and all the build up for Sanji and Chopper matchups wasted, it would be ridiculous for Zoro to defeat King almost at full health and, as Rivaille said, even disrespectful for King.
Just no.
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Zoro killing kaido would cause a meltdown but I honestly think if zoro fights king now there will be a bigger meltdown in the fandom
Disagree, mate. No amount of fandom meltdown will top ZKK. Not even Nerfed Zoro neg diffing King. :kata:

I can already the imagine the crash Youtube, Reddit, and Twitter will experience when that happens. :milaugh:

And the reaction on this forum will be beautiful to watch. :goyea:
Come on it is very clear that Zoro doesn't give a fuck about King. From the beginning of the raid Zoro ignored King over and over. Even when he was standing between Luffy and Kaido Zoro was only focused on going to the rooftop. There is 0 buildup and 0 foreshadow, the only thing that they have in common is the swordsmanship. When you try to push your headcannon so hard that you decide to ignore the manga.
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Zoro Worshipper
Zoro might kill King as an after effect of slash that would kill Kaido while King is in proces of stomping Sanji..that remnants of Zoro's Kaido killing slash would kill King as well
To be honest if they truly believe that Zoro will fight off King then Oda could make them happy and for example portray a post Kaido Zoro fast one shot in Asura mode despite the notable alleged amount of damage and fatigue he will still be processing due the aftermath of the yonko fight.

The thing is, King will most likely be dealt with by other people; Marco, Yamato, there are different candidates for disparate reasons.
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