One Piece Chapter 962 Spoilers Discussion

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Oda's editor, Mr. Naito in a interview with Oricon states that he believes One Piece will end in 5 years. He says it all depends on if Oda wants to add more islands/content in between, but that fans shouldn't overestimate how much the series has left, encouraging to ride the OP wave while you still can. This is rescinding a previous comment of his claiming 5 years wouldn't be enough. He says that seeing the pacing of the Wano arc, he believes the series can most definitely be wrapped up in five years. Wano alone will reveal some big stuff about Roger and the One Piece.
The flashback in Wano Country Arc will talk about the legendary adventures of Gold Roger.
I'll just mention other important points from the interview.
Oda's says
“Wano Kuni hen is a story deeply related to the final episode of ONE PIECE ”.
" The name of the final island is 'LAUGH TALE' as it was shown at the end of the STAMPEDE movie." It is true and 100% canon.
[Imp statement by Naito]
Wano Koku Hen is the most important arc that you should definitely read to know the basics of ONE PIECE. I can affirm. This arc will lead to the biggest core of "What is ONE PIECE?"
He insists everyone read the Wano Kuni hen.

it was Oda's decision to reveal final island's true name during One Piece : Stampede.
Oda's editor, Mr. Naito in a interview with Oricon states that he believes One Piece will end in 5 years. He says it all depends on if Oda wants to add more islands/content in between, but that fans shouldn't overestimate how much the series has left, encouraging to ride the OP wave while you still can. This is rescinding a previous comment of his claiming 5 years wouldn't be enough. He says that seeing the pacing of the Wano arc, he believes the series can most definitely be wrapped up in five years. Wano alone will reveal some big stuff about Roger and the One Piece.
The flashback in Wano Country Arc will talk about the legendary adventures of Gold Roger.
I'll just mention other important points from the interview.
Oda's says
“Wano Kuni hen is a story deeply related to the final episode of ONE PIECE ”.
" The name of the final island is 'LAUGH TALE' as it was shown at the end of the STAMPEDE movie." It is true and 100% canon.
[Imp statement by Naito]
Wano Koku Hen is the most important arc that you should definitely read to know the basics of ONE PIECE. I can affirm. This arc will lead to the biggest core of "What is ONE PIECE?"
He insists everyone read the Wano Kuni hen.

it was Oda's decision to reveal final island's true name during One Piece : Stampede.
I made a thread about it and quoted your post in it. Is that alright?
Well yeah and so have his editors... But when has an editor actually changed their mind? Like editors literally say wrong Bullshit and never even apologise about literally lying but this time it's different... This guy actually retracted his statement which I think gives it more credibility
He probably didn't expect this pace during Wano and as he said it is a really important Arc to the end game and the One Piece itself....
He probably didn't expect this pace during Wano and as he said it is a really important Arc to the end game and the One Piece itself....
I feel as though he realised that there's actually a dhffetence between what Oda set out to do some time back and what Oda is actually doing

This guys basically confirms that Arc's are being cut from the original flow of what the story was
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