After the whole situation with Nobuhiro Watsuki the mangaka of Rurouni Kenshin and Oda still being friendly with him and how Sanji behaves in Film Z too, I'm actually extremely concerned for his daughters...

Imagine what Oda could get away with and may have done already due to his success/fame/wealth? I'm getting very dark here but I do fear the skeletons Oda could be hiding, especially after Watsuki. Some other people in the anime/manga industry turned out to be just as heinous too.

Now that you mention his friendship with that Pedo, I don’t trust Oda anymore
Post automatically merged:

You would like that, wouldn’t you?

Gorosei Informer

Now that you mention his friendship with that Pedo, I don’t trust Oda anymore
Same here. I think a LOT of dirt will come out once OP is over, at least not before it ends hopefully. (And not at a rushed/forced ending either).


Also I hate this absolutely ignorant BS that denies OP is about battles. The fuck were the SHs doing up to now? Especially Pre TS? Civil debates and pacifism only? These people are seriously reading Two Piece or something...

After the whole situation with Nobuhiro Watsuki the mangaka of Rurouni Kenshin and Oda still being friendly with him and how Sanji behaves in Film Z too, I'm actually extremely concerned for his daughters...

Imagine what Oda could get away with and may have done already due to his success/fame/wealth? I'm getting very dark here but I do fear the skeletons Oda could be hiding, especially after Watsuki. Some other people in the anime/manga industry turned out to be just as heinous too.

Concerned for his daughters? That's quite a bit of a leap dude.
Same here. I think a LOT of dirt will come out once OP is over, at least not before it ends hopefully. (And not at a rushed/forced ending either).


Also I hate this absolutely ignorant BS that denies OP is about battles. The fuck were the SHs doing up to now? Especially Pre TS? Civil debates and pacifism only? These people are seriously reading Two Piece or something...

I think if there was a lot of dirt to dig from Oda, someone would have done it already after over 23 years of being the top mangaka on the WSJ.
Same here. I think a LOT of dirt will come out once OP is over, at least not before it ends hopefully. (And not at a rushed/forced ending either).


Also I hate this absolutely ignorant BS that denies OP is about battles. The fuck were the SHs doing up to now? Especially Pre TS? Civil debates and pacifism only? These people are seriously reading Two Piece or something...

Reddit boys will be Oda’s dick suckers even if we found out that he has little girls in his basement
Same here. I think a LOT of dirt will come out once OP is over, at least not before it ends hopefully. (And not at a rushed/forced ending either).


Also I hate this absolutely ignorant BS that denies OP is about battles. The fuck were the SHs doing up to now? Especially Pre TS? Civil debates and pacifism only? These people are seriously reading Two Piece or something...

having adventures. starting to think you and the sanji fan are pedos with how much you think about this shit
The intense fights in each place are heading towards their climax!! And in front of Luffy is ?!

It's quite generic, this sort of preview has appeared many times before.
Editors are really full of shit........Intense fights heading towards climax? Didn't Oda literally just set up a fight last chapter and the chapter before that? This man is still in process of setting up fights. Then again I also recall them saying Wholecake island was near its climax in the 870's but there was still a whole 30+ chapters left of the arc.

Gorosei Informer

Concerned for his daughters? That's quite a bit of a leap dude.
It might be but I rather be wrong about him in that regard, than be right. Most abuse including of that variety happens within families too as I've learnt the hard way as well.

I think if there was a lot of dirt to dig from Oda, someone would have done it already after over 23 years of being the top mangaka on the WSJ.
I would agree but it could be getting covered up too due to the sheer amount of chaos/damage/scandals it could cause. But then surely if said dirt existed, wouldn't someone at least have found a way to get it leaked/exposed out there somehow by now?

I'm just very wary after Watsuki as this came out of the blue and he showed no signs of being such a degenerate as far as I know. There might be signs I'm not aware of though ofc. I thought he was one of the more "safer/rational ones" ironically.

I do genuinely hope Oda isn't like this but after seeing that Film Z moment with Sanji and him even lusting for Pudding who is only 16 it worries me. Pudding can still be handwaved I guess but child Nami was too far for me, way too creepy.