Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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He will recover and fight kaido just like luffy did.

This is not a big deal. Condom wank is coming for chapter or two and then law and zoro action.

Face the facts sanji is a weakling. No place for trash like him on the roof.
zoro himself said thats his last move, and
Luffy (to Zoro): Leave the rest to me. I'll win this fight somehow for everyone's future...!!


"Dreams are Messages from the Deep"
"Luffy (to Zoro): Leave the rest to me. I'll win this fight somehow for everyone's future...!!"

ok zoro coc is hype but what the FUCK is this shit? luffywank? don't tell me this guy is gonna 1v1 kaido.
Why are you shocked that the main character of the series is gonna have a 1v1 with the main villain of the arc.
Nah this is great zoro will sit back now until his named chapter
luffy gets his 1 vs 1
and zoro will take the head off in his chapter
Or he could have both lol.
I find it it oddly conspicuous that Zoro goes "down" before any of the main fights below start.

That's why I'm saying it. This is kind of aligning with some predictions I made last year.

- Zoro and Luffy fight Kaido
- Zoro gets his "feat" against Kaido
- Battle shifts and Zoro's plot starts to head more towards King (maybe his lineage with Shimotsuki/Ringo ties it to King then, someone would have to explain it)
- Zoro vs King; Sanji vs Queen; Luffy vs Kaido
- Zoro may or may not get his "Ryuuma" moment after Luffy wins and Kaido tries to do something drastic at the end of the fight and Luffy collapses.

Sort of where I'm going with it atm
Chapter spoilers literally say Zoro is at his limit with that attack. Kaido got hit (Zoro cut Kaido) and Kaido attacked back.

So Zoro, while fucking awesome, seems to be "done" before the matchups below begin.

Still officially calling Zoro vs King, so who on board with me now lmfao
he's at his limit
and out .....
how tf do you expect him to fight king...
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