Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Sasaki Kojirō

Adv CoC confirmed, Kaido wouldn´t be shocked if it was a usually normal CoC but he is shocked about Ashura, he is shocked for the first time and ashura leave a wound like Oden did, a new wound. Kaido get hit multiple times by Zoro but only Ashura get praised with adv CoC. I hope Zoro stand later again, I assume Zoro attack was beastly and cut everything in the way down.

Based on the spoiler:
-Luffy was down for several seconds-minutes.
-Law and Zoro fight Kaido
-Zoro use ashura a adv CoC form and give Kaido a deeply wound, Kaido is shocked
-Zoro fall down because of beeing injured and exhausted(hakai)
-Law get take thunder bague and is most like down too
-Luffy stand up and fight Kaido back, pointing out CoC can fuse with attacks or even get a special form(Ashura).
-Kaido get attacked and put down?
-Killer and Kid going to attack BM.
Luffy was inactive for several minutes.
-Kaido had time to free ZEUS.
-Receive Ashura.
-Defeated Law.

and only after that did Luffy rise.
1x1, the time Luffy spent waking up, kaido would have already killed him.
This chapter will be insanely hype :steef:.

- Kid and Killer taking on Big Mom.
- Zoro using Ashura after so many years, and in combination with Conqueror's haki , I'm getting Rayleigh vibes. Its a shame he is out of the battle.
- Law is out of commission, but i'm sure he will be up after some time, to help out in the clutch of time .

All of these, lead to the inevitable conclusion, dread it, run from it, it arrives all the same:

Luffy is gonna solo Kaido from here onwards :steef:.

Looking at his skill set: Future sight, Advanced Armament and now incorporation of CoC in attacks.


and now Kaido is confirming that Luffy is powerful : "only the powerful can do it" he for sure was not mistaken as he saw Luffy along Roger , WB, Rocks , Oden and Shanks.
and now should clear for every one why Shanks could be stronger than Mihawks even if he is not better as a swordman.
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