Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Nah the wording is weird, its like he doesn't mean now.
I think he is just highlighting Kaido's durability and strength but he still thinks he is going to take him down, basically he will keep fighting until Kaido drops unconscious. That's for the when.
The somehow is him finding solutions to hurt Kaido even more, he just unlocked "adv CoC" right after adv CoA and will get better at using the 3 types of haki during this fight.
Blackbeard needs a third devil fruit to be able to keep up with all those advanced haki powers.
Well he most likely already has them anyway. Advanced CoC + CoA, doesn't need advanced CoO as no one can escape a blackhole he just pulls youn.

Black Hole/Black Vortex followed by a Gura Punch imbued with CoA+CoC = doom.
Attacks kaido has tanked on Panel

- Post WCI Luffy's Elephant Gatling
- Post WCI Luffy's Kong Organ
- Pierced through the hand by Kiku
- A cut in the stomach by Ashura, Kinemon, and Denjiro
- Smashed into the ground by all 9 scabbards
- Cut in the mouth by Kin'emon
- Nekomamushi's Crimson Cat Dance
- Kawamatsu´s River of Sea
- Inuarashi´s Canine Scourge
- Okiku´s Fallen Snow Scythes
- Izo's Slicing Rounds
- His own Boro Breath (courtesy of Raizo)
- Paradise Totsuga (a group attack of Kinemon, Denjiro, Ashura, and Inuarashi)
- A cut by Denjiro in the side
- Luffy's G3 Red Roc
- Zoro's Purgatory Onigiri
- Killer´s Decapitation Claw
- Luffy G4 Kong gun
- Kidd's Punk Vise
- Law's Tact
-Luffy's g4 gatling barrage with adv coa
-killer's attack
-Zoro's tornado attack
-Kid's slam
-Gamma knife

And more of panel in 1009

-Asura attack

Inb4 sabo fights akainu and luffy fights Imu :steef::steef::funky:
we'll see
one things clear tho
bb is next
even without imu
no doubt he isnt the strongest
I wont go on about the inevitable tho
wano ends soon so the kaido fans will disappear just as quick as they popped up.


Well he most likely already has them anyway. Advanced CoC + CoA, doesn't need advanced CoO as no one can escape a blackhole he just pulls youn.

Black Hole/Black Vortex followed by a Gura Punch imbued with CoA+CoC = doom.
Yeah, but if gets hit, especially now that he gets / feels more damage because of the Yami Yami, he ain't lasting long.
Nothing wrong with liking Sanji, but you gotta differentiate between fanfic and canon. He‘s just below Zoro in terms of strength, popularity and rank within the crew. He will never get the amount of hype Luffy and Zoro get. But he has his great moments, too (at least pre timeskip). So instead of thinking what he could have, learn to appreciate what he actually has. That is all.


Lead them to paradise.
Sorry, only in the beginning. Once Kaido seems to take out Zoro, Luffy gets up and he uses the CoC haki attack against him. He can't be doing well because he acts like its going to take hours to take down Kaido at the end.
Not just hours, the wording: At some point doesnt just mean hours mate.

Its like he's projecting into the future lmfao.

Def of at some point:

Definition (expr.) in the future; at a point in time; at a certain time. Examples At some point, you have to stop buying clothes.

And somehow implies he still doesn't know how.
Those aren't the same, they never used CoC again and CoC was never a factor for victory in those fights, it was used just to draw one scene for fanservice, never used again to make a difference in battle, like now against Kaido.
They're definitely CoC imbued attacks. And I'd definitely wait for clearer spoilers before jumping the gun on how this is all playing out. 99. 9 percent of the time these initial spoilers with jankt translations end up being way different from the actual detailed summary.
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