Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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luffy had more in his arsenal but zoro himself said ashura is his strongest move
Yes ofc just like Zoro tried everything against Mr. 1 & needed to learn something New
Just like Luffy tried everything against Katakuri & needed to remember Rayleigh's Teachings

We have seen Limit of Post-TS Zoro
Now it's time to see what Zoro learns next

Asura which is a move from +600 Chapters ago being Zoro's Greatest Technique clearly means that he haven't shown a Power Up yet.
Just like Luffy too not being aware of this CoC imbued Attacks but now he noticed it & will obviously learn it & use it
So same thing can be applied to Zoro who might learn to control his Haki better & make all his attacks stronger
You back to Zoro vs King ?:seriously:
I never left it lmao.

The theory always was that Zoro performs his feat, loses on the rooftop, then is used elsewhere until either ZKK or nothing more. The scabbards are going through this exact same motion right now so we know it CAN work.

The problem is we have no idea how the 3 calamities are even going to be handled yet, and the battle on the rooftop doesn't even seem to be the true end of it, so how about we wait before you start making fun of a theory
Attacked dragon base - No fight happened
nah what happened is dragon dipped
what does that tell you

"Defeated Marco -So kaido can't?"
state where I implied that
what am saying is
nothing proves current BB is not the same as this imaginary eos level you are talking about. you have no idea how strong he is rn
infact barely anyone in the world does.
have a strong feeling only shanks does and he is already warning the gorosei.
So BB> dragon is your point?.........Proof dragon > other yonkos

You said about list of accomplisments lol
No - BB has yami and we know how powerful pre-skip BB is...........I expect eos BB to be stronger than roger/Prime WB by a decent margin...and if all he has his gura and yami then thats not possible imo........he needs something on top of that unless you believe current BB > roger/WB.........if you do you are in minority...........


if it's bad for Kaido, who has all the hype, imagine Big Meme, who is humiliated by everyone and has no credibility? poor thing, i hope she lost in this arc, i'd rather shoot my dick than have another arc with her.
i think she is tougher than Kaido , but she is really clumsy and an idiot. and has a bad observation haki. , she didn't have even a single scar.
Why? We need to see other SHs progression as well. Wano is a major story arc. I want every SH to get their fight, improve their abilities and shine!
I agree with your point the reason i think he's going to wrap it up faster than usual is because of time.

Terrible time management in dressrosa and WCI and running out of time he wants to wrap it all up as fast as possible IMO
Let's wait before we make that assumption
Asura got a chapter because of what he did to save everyone else. Again, not my point. They can have chapter titles all they want, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying Oda doesnt skip strawhat fights lol. He didn't even skip the fleet matchups. It will take as long as it needs to.
I agree with that I dont think he's going to spend as much time on them as he usually does, he's trying to make this go as fast as possible. Issue is with arcs like dressrosa and WCI where extended fights especially with useless supporting casts in dressrosa it extended the arc by way too long, im hoping he cuts that portion out and can finish up this arc within a year
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