Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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I don't compare them hun. Everyone compares Zoro and Sanji all the time.

Sanji defeating King solo is better than anything Zoro can do this arc. Only thing that tops it is having a 1v1 with Hybrid Kaido.
It’s good for a character like Sanji but it isn’t comparable with the things Zoro did this arc. Of course as a fan you think that Sanjis fight would be more hype but be real bro
Fighting two Yonkos with other 4 SN is far more epic. Zoro was a freaking MVP.
First let Sanji vs King happen, Sanjis match up could go different ways. It could also be Queen or Peros.


I love how people just forget Big Mom exists. She is relatively fresh even if she's nerfed. Kid and Killer won't be able to put her down by themselves so if Zoro recovers enough to take part in a prolonged battle then the chances are, he'll rush to help Kid and Killer. The same goes to Law more or less.
Memes don’t get taken seriously, Big Meme’s existence is a joke and she can be handled by anyone Oda sees fit. She’s not a threat unless Oda decides otherwise so Kid and Killer are more than enough.
So guys... Lets have some theory theory no mi at work. Lets awaken that thing. @rerere @ReggieZoldyck21 @playa4321 @Lukegranders

First, i need to explain my way of thought:
Following the thought of Adv. CoC representing some kind of Gods/Deity ( @playa4321 brought me on this, originaly from @Red Admiral and him) i just thought about some rival to Luffy. But that didnt lead me to anything. So i tried to think about his characters, tought about wilderness (lead me to Dionysus, Greek God, coincidently, he is the god my first name is based on), but it wouldnt fit that well, specialy cause Dionysus is mostly known for his women and wine.

So i took another direction. I mean, we assume Kid is connected to Shanks in some way. No idea which way, but he is connected to him. Following the originaly theory (probz at @Red Admiral and @playa4321 again), Shanks could be based on Thor, a protector, a son of the heighest God. Fitting really well for Shanks. I would consider this God to be Roger with the Deity Odin. Odin has two Sons, Thor and Loki. We connected Thor to Shanks already, but look how well this fits. Who would be Loki if we think about that? Loki, brother of Thor, Loki, the God of Mischief... who would fit to the "Son of Roger", "Brother of Shanks" and "God of Mischief" better than... Buggy The Clown?? Buggy the Clown is Loki, God of Mischief, the brother of Thor. Buggy and Shanks are non biological brothers, "sons" of their Captain, of Odin/Roger. It fits.

So, back to Kid. Kid then is connected to the nordic myth and to Shanks. Some assumed Kid is maybe related to Shanks, but that doesnt have to be. Something else connects them, someone else. Its Killer. But to this point we come later (@rerere better take out some good wine, you will enjoy this!). Following the nordic myth, there i remembered a story my brother told my when i was a 8 years old. Our father just died and my (half)brother came to me, sat down, gifted me a stuff animal (Wölfi), a Wolf. He is a big fan of the nordic myth, so he told me a story about that. The Story of the God Tyr and Fenrir.

Tyr is a germanic god, the god of war and victory.

Tyr was mainly known for his countless wars, no matter if losing or winning, even when he lost everything, everyone considered him winning, cause he fought back always. Thats why he was also know as the god of victory. But what he is most known for is... his connection with Fenrir.

Fenrir is one of the strongest and mightest creatures in the nordic myth. He is a mystic wolf, so wild, dangerous and strong, not even the gods could tame him. They tried to chain him down, build the strongest chains they could even imagine. But Fenrir broke them with ease. So the gods startet a last attempt of chaining. They build a chain which was crafted of material, which isnt even existing. (i forgott them, but one part were the sound of footsteps from cats) They put Fenrir in these chains, but Fenrir just grew with the resistance, he got stronger and stronger, but the chains didnt break. Fenrir seemed to understand that some magic is behind the chains and he wont be able to break them. So he made an offer to the gods.

If one of the Gods trust him so far to put his Hand/Arm into Fenrir mouth, he will promise to follow the wishes of the gods. The Gods knew, Fenrir is a Son of Loki, his promised cant be trustet. Fenrir would bite of that hand immediately. So they hesitated, they were scared. All of them, except Tyr. Tyr stepped forward and without any word, he put his Hand in Fenrirs mouth, well knowing Fenrir will bite his hand/arm off. And Fenrir did, Fenrir know ate a bodypart of the Gods, which made him able to break these chains. But the moment he thought this, he sees the face and the thoughts of Tyr. He saw a smile in Tyrs face. He saw that Tyr knew Fenrir would bite his hand and he saw that Tyr trusts him to keep his promise, cause Fenrir never promised not to bite.

So Fenrir broke free, he broke his promise to the gods, he never listened to them or followed their orders. But he sticked to Tyr, he trusted Tyr more then anything else. He made sure Tyr will always get the victory he deserves. From this day one... Fenrir became Tyrs second arm.

Kids God/Deity is Tyr. The one armed God of War and Victory. A god known for his wars, fights and his unbreakable will to win. A god which always took the victory, even when he lost.

But there is more. If Kid is Tyr, it is obvious what kind of Smile-DF Killer has eaten: Mystic Wolf; Model: FENRIR. In this assumption, Killer is no one else then Fenrir. Fenrir, the Wolf Tyr gave his arm for and the extremely dangerous creature which gave his trust only to Tyr.

But it keeps going. Remember my entrance? The connection to Shanks? Tyr lost his arm to get the trust of Fenrir. Kid took Killer away from Shanks, cause Killer originaly belonged to Shanks. And Kid offered Shanks his arm in exchange for his second arm, Killer. Kid never said his arm got cut of by a the Shanks Pirates. He only said he lost his arm to them. It always sounded unmatching for Shanks taking of an arm in my opinion. And Shanks didnt, Kid only lost his arm to them. Cause he offered it to them, for taking Fenrir/Killer away from their Chains. He freed Killer from Shanks and got Killers unbreakable trust in exchange.


Kid -> Tyr
Killer -> Fenrir
Shanks -> Thor
Buggy -> Loki
Roger -> Odin
Luffy is based on Odin.
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