Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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But now that we know Orochi and all of his samurai henchmen are trash, the next one who fits as Low Top Tier Shogun is King. Well, not Shogun but at least he fits the swordman and Low Top Tier cateria.
Low Top Tier King needs help from Queen to deal with Low Top Tier Marco who still beat their asses?
It's fine that you're supporting King with all your might but low top tier King is huge wank. I don't even wank Katakuri on this level lol.
If Zoro fights King next I hope he fully recovers before going for King....He'll be extremely tired and drained out after giving his all against Kaido....He faced Hakai for a moment as well....Maybe Law and Hiyori will help him heal soon
As I said Zoro can always kill an already defeated Kaido, of course.
Kaido won't be defeated until he is dead. That's what you're not understanding.

You make it sound like Zoro just going to walk up to an unconscious Kaido on the ground and cut his head off. That's not going to happen. You should know better than that. That's not the type of character Zoro is and Oda write his manga in that way.

The official one piece magazine did ask question Zoro would recreate Ryuma's legendary dragon slaying feat above the capital.
Go read Two Piece if your zoro killing kaido
I asked a simple question.
I’m guessing you’ve read one piece a few months or less back or have just recently caught up.

You’re ignorant of a lot of information.
You probably don’t know that VC, Databooks, Jump News about Oda, and SBS’s exist.
I don’t blame you for your head canons. Just don’t accuse other ppl of reading Two Piece when they’re more informed than you
I like how Luffy and others already showed the ability to channel their CoC into attacks (vs Chinjao/Doffy) and how he only needed to see it once in order to recognize that he can actually use it in combat. ..
Rayleigh, who has seen Prime Roger fight, could have made him a low top tier during the time skip, but NAH, better tell him that his self made PUs aren't it :D
Obvious story telling, but still a little funny though
Now i'm really excited for all the Zoro and Sanji moments we're going to get if Law takes Zoro under the roof :finally:

I hope with maybe an energy boosting recipe from Sanji and Marco's healing they can get Zoro back into shape, and then we get the duo kick King and Queen's ass :steef:
Low Top Tier King needs help from Queen to deal with Low Top Tier Marco who still beat their asses?
It's fine that you're supporting King with all your might but low top tier King is huge wank. I don't even wank Katakuri on this level lol.
If he defeats Marco without going Hybrid. Or defeats him with no injuries. Would you admit he's a Low Top-Tier.
I think that Luffy will beat him and both will get unconscious for a moment. Kaido will begin to riot and turn into his dragon form to destroy the capital, Zoro will come and behead him over the capital
When Luffy will beat him, Kaido will stay in the ground like katakuri and doflamingo otherwise Luffy don't win the fight
Bro I understand your King fight stuff but please think broadly.
I'm the one sitting here telling you to wait for Redons summary lol
You were hoping for Zoro to be done with Kaido fight since chapter 1000. :suresure:
Zoro is not done with Kaido until he removes his head. :cheers:
I never denied ZKK lol, even if I think its unrealistic and very unlike Zoro to just lop someone's head off. Like I've said, the Ryuuma parallel already happened on Punk Hazard, but I wont sit here and deny compelling arguments for it.

What i did deny is it being his actual fight in the end. A major part of this is how much Oda has actually dedicated to the rooftop fight (about ~7 chapters so far) without ACTUALLY doing any of the fights below. What this normally indicates to me is that Oda is trying to finish something on the roof before he finishes setting things up below it.

Notice how Zoro is showing using his allegedly strongest attack before even Nami and Usopp beat Ulti? Notice how Sanji hasn't even gotten his matchup yet against either calamity (assuming he does)? My argument has always been (since he went to the roof), that Oda will portray Zoro's feats against the Yonko since he introduced multiple story avenues for it beforehand. Now that he performed it, people need to ask:

- Why did Oda have Zoro collapse before any other fight truly started?

- Why hasn't Oda given the 3 calamities their definitive matchups yet?

- Why haven't Sanji and Yamato encountered opponents on their level yet?

Combine that with the *possibility* (I stress the word) that Luffy just told Zoro and/or Law to go down under the roof, you can start to see why those pieces might align.

Again, this has nothing to do with ZKK lol
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