Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Luffy doesn't have to have a CoC mode just like Zoro?

Adv CoC is fight without touching Zoro is doing that cuz those arms are Illusions tho I the chapter would give better indication
Shishio at some point you have to stop this wank ...

Zoro is doing legit fine ... no need for going fan fiction town to hype him
Luffy MAIN Haki is CoC
Zoro MAIN Haki is CoA

if Luffy can't do something with CoC ... no one can
Where are you even bringing this shit from? If Zoro swords don't have the black lightning thing present in CoC imbued attacks then you would be holding a big L.
That's fucking nonsense..where is it stated every CoC imbued attack has have black lightening?

Zoro scarred the shit outta Kaido with all three swords without using Enmas Haki sucking else is Zoro doing?

Not to mention Kaido comments on it and Zoros like idk what I did
You mean the same 5 old men he gave an order right in front of their faces ? Gotcha.

Remember the chapter where Akainu and BB were presented as the big changes Luffy NEEDS to be aware off? Right, tells u everything u need to know.

Don't even start comparing the marines to these clown crews
Nothing changed about Kaido, BM, or Shanks over the TS, so I don’t see how that means much
Yeah. Unlikely. Kaido is very knowledgeable on this ability, saying only a hand full of people having it, also recognizing CoC in both Luffy and Kidd. So there is no reason to believe Kaido just "misdiagnosed" it. Plus, it can't be just basic CoC, because basic CoC so far was fodder control + some environmental damage.
Why would Zoro say no to Kaido then, I don't buy that Zoro doesn't know what CoC is.
Kaido has been shown to not properly know what Ryuo is despite living on Wano for 25 years, confirmed mistaken CoC is a thing and has happened to Zoro and Cracker before.
Basic Coc has been used in conquerors clashes before.
If it doesn't have the characteristic black stream of adv CoC I hope you will admit it isn't adv CoC.
Look how cute it is how the Yankers are holding hands, pushing their little agendas.

It's all okay. The mid gen clowns won't come close to being EOS material.
Nah most of the admirals will have a one v one against admirals - kizaru/green bull assuming Green bull is not like fujitora.......after wano I expect luffy vs BB and both of these characters will be more powerful than WB/Roger...........and they are > akainu
Hmmm Seems were at the part of the arc where Luffys 1V1 Starts, So in Enies lobby we'd be about here
which is interesting because 2 strawhat fights had been finished at this point. Not a good sign for the Tobi roppo fights.

The rest of the fights were resolved in the next 20 chapters from this point.

From Redon:

Yes, Kaidou has taken quite a few blows in this chapter, but he is not affected by them at all (beyond a few gasps). Even Zoro's attack does not affect him that much (although he is going to leave a scar) since after receiving it he is still standing, he turns around, talks to Zoro and then attacks them as usual.


if you still dont believe hes top 1 what are you doing lmao
No one disputes the natural tankiness of this unit.

But I disagree with him being top 1:cheers:
Shishio at some point you have to stop this wank ...

Zoro is doing legit fine ... no need for going fan fiction town to hype him
Luffy MAIN Haki is CoC
Zoro MAIN Haki is CoA

if Luffy can't do something with CoC ... no one can
That's not really wanking Zoro
CoC can have different properties like CoA

Zoro with his CoA can do damage to Kaidos skin and cut through his scales..Luffy needs internal destruction

Zoros main Forte is does Zoro have to know internal destruction as well?
This is Gifter trolling all over again. :milaugh:
And then Oda slaps dab reality.

I was waiting for a moment in story just like this to happen.
If there are any Zoro fans that are shaky on ZKK bc of this moment, don't worry fam.
Zoro will definitely kill Kaido.

And these next chapters will be intermission for Zoro.
Prolly fighting King or recuperate.

Not until we pass the events of the Flower Capital, will ZKK die.

And for you @Hahasanji I know you're sad bc Zoro took a W, so you went into hiding.
But if you read the spoils, Asura left a nasty scar on Hybrid Kaido. And Kaido laments that these strong folk couldn't join under his banner.

Just like the legends say, there is a Second Coming of Ryuma to surpass the Old Guard, Zoro has to surpass the Old Legends of Wano (Ryuma, Oden, Hyougoro, Yasu) the strongest of the Samurai here. This progresses his purposes in the over arching narrative. He has to surpass Wano samurai to be ready for Mihawk. And for that to be the case ZKK is imminent.
if they think zkk it s over they are some fools lmfao
zoro didn t had his name chapter
enma s and oden s will is unfinished to
zoro will decapitate kaido in the flower capital rn he s getting some rest
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