Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Most of these are useless fan speculation that will not/most likely not happen and if they do it can happen without fightning Kaido.

How is it fan speculation to have Oda bring up Sunacchi as a feature of Zoro’s past, thereby giving him a personal connection to Wano? How is it fan speculation that the character himself has expressed a desire to wield Nidai Kitetsu and announced to Kaido’s top subordinates that only their boss was worth his time? How is it fan speculation that Toki’s prophecy about the nine shadows and the Dawn has yet to come true? Or don’t tell me you actually think the Scrubbards will defeat Kaido :milaugh:

You do realise this is the same author who foreshadowed Sanji’s backstory all the way back in Jaya? Oda is the master of Chekhov’s Gun and there are far too many of these for Zoro in this arc to put him out of commission permanently.
I’m not putting any stock on the raid failing after this chapter. When Luffy says he’ll win, he almost always does, and Oda just had him develop this next stage of CoC.

The other Straw Hat fights have only just started, Sanji has yet to make his move and get his fight, Zeus is being setup as Nami’s lightning solution, Orochi is almost finished when examining how his fruit must work, and Kaido has revealed a lot his abilities as is.

That isn’t considering all the logistics behind staging a total loss and maintaining everyone just enough for a second go.
Agreed. To me now it seems like either Kaido will gain the upper hand (like how Kata made Luffy retreat until he came back for the last round) and maaaaybe the fight shifts to the capital or Mount Fuji at some point for a cooler backdrop.

That being said, Luffy now will be fighting Kaido for the long haul, but yeah I doubt a complete loss at least from a raid standpoint
I already know from past experiences that your argumentation level consists of reposting the same shitty panel, which contradicts itself, a 100 times right after another, so I don't expect much from you, but you still haven't answered shit. Only reported comments tho
The panels I posted are Manga facts. Unlike headcanon like AdmiraLs having CoC.
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