Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Yes I like Zoro

He did an amazing job of course but I did not like that just after Oda shows us Luffy and his stupid haki, we have been waiting asura for too long, I wanted to see asura on the last page with a magnificent double page

His stupid haki makes sense. And stop trying to make zoro the protagonist, he isnt. And yet he Will still do a Lot more this Arc.

So calm your pants.


Talent is something you make bloom.
How many chapters have been since Ashura?
Not even black lightning. Just a complete rush to say Zoro unlocked CoC and send him away from the roof.
I know people are hyped by the CoC and all, but are you y'all really cool with this? I was expecting the moment Zoro would "hurt" Kaido would actually be an "end of chapter" page moment. It's just...there. 1 page later we have Luffy doing something even more hype.

Kinda underwhelming actually. Was hoping for a more distinct moment.
I think Luffy attack with CoC is same concept as Rayleigh block the elephant attack on luffy training so he can block it or attack with it, and with the zoro ashura chase, i think thats are CoC or CoA advent attack that ressonance with the enma sword, as GODa said Luffy=CoC Zoro=CoA Sanji=CoO
Maybe but how do I know how much damage or how effective full Ad COA mastery is if Luffy without showing the later fully already uses a new skill ?
Well you can tell it's less effective since Luffy had been using it so far and characters pointed out he was doing damage, now that it's combined it's noticeably better.
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