Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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World's Strongest Swordsman
Kidd isnt below zoro, obviously and this is specialy told by portrayal. Oda uses every chance to display Kid as rival to Luffy since SA. He did in SA, he did bounty-wise, he did in new world, he did in Udon, he did on the see and he does in Onigashima the whole time. Also both presented their CoC early to Kaido.

Zoro just came up with it now. This was his peak this arc and it was enourmous. Now, he has to learn to deal with hit, maybe he will train this with Luffy after Wano. And in his next main fight, next Arc, he will fully use it. I am absolutely sure about that. But for now, he is taken down. Luffy is now fighting Kaido and taking him out at the end. And Kidd is fighting Killer for now and taking her out.
So when we get zoros named chapter he just gonna be sat in the corner or what ?
Are you not reading what I said?

Your skin doesn’t get stronger. You yourself can endure more as you get stronger but your skin itself doesn’t get stronger so the skin oden cut is the same skin zoro cut there’s no difference

Unless your telling me luffys skin post timeskip is above his skin pre timeskip( which doesn’t even make sense).

The stronger line refers to haki and his physical speed strength etc.

It doesn’t refer to his scales his scales will never change
You're the one who was asking earlier how Law could get Zoro back to health when he's "only a surgeon" right? If so nevermind this.
Fucking know it,the way how Kaido react and looking to ashura and the way how he said the thing with Ashura. Zoro has legit a manifest of adv CoC in Ashura. Hyped and hope we learn more in the future.

Overall great chapter,Ashura deal good dansge which even let Law shocked, Kaido as always the tank monster,he is just insane.

And Luffy fighting back, great chapter.
It is clear now that Zoro also infused COC into the cut without knowing it which is adv COC. He might get up later though.

He blitzed Kaido also and the attack managed to stun Kaido for some seconds
After defeating Kaido like BB is not really that much of a threat, at most BB will be in the same tier as Kaido. Not sure if we would even care about future fights especially for Luffy/Zoro... and law too(hopefully oda ditches him after this arc).
Though this might be better.. we will finally get more adventure and mysteries.... Roger did that too... he was not focussed on fighting people. His adventure was probably more enjoyable than SHs.
When Luffy fights BB, the guy will be stronger than Kaido. And I don't really think that the difference will be minimal.

I don't even think that Kaido is the current strongest.
Base BB had base Shanks potential, and now he has two of the most powerful fruits and maybe a third and has a "bizarre body", that isn't a twist or anything it's been well established Teach will be broken.
I think Imu will be Luffy's main WG fight- and the immortality surgery has been foreshadowed 100s of chapters ago, so again not a twist- but we'll see.
Oda did say that in the Original setting of the Yami Yami no Mi, Blackbeard would have been unbeatable, even to all three Admirals. I'm wondering if Oda's plan is still to make that the case for his Character, but instead of the Yami Yami no Mi being that powerful, he split it up into giving Blackbeard multiple devil fruits. If that's the case, it's no wonder Oda is going balls to the wall with making Luffy stronger....
I’ve never seen Oda hype kid as Luffys rival . I se him put him in panels with law and luffy . But then makes law and kid react to all Luffys and zoro feats . It’s never the other way around . Luffy and zoro are the top 2 supernovas
People fail to understand he's Luffy rival in the scene he's aiming to be pirate king. Technically, that means so is everyone else who wants to be pirate king.
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