General & Others Luffy's Proclamations

No one said Luffy isn't gonna Defeat Kaido, who ever doubts Luffy vs Main Villain?
But Kaido needs to be Killed & Luffy doesn't Kill

Also Kaido is a Zoan, you think Oda is gonna Draw Jack & Queen & Page One/Ulti recovering Fast? But Kaido the Strongest Creature will stay down?

Luffy will Defeat Kaido (With Help as usual) but it will mostly be Him
And then Luffy is gonna be tired, why don't you make a Compilation of Luffy's Condition after almost every single Major Fight?

So when Kaido gets back up, who's gonna Kill him for good?
You should also know that Kaido isn't like Previous Villains, he isn't someone you just remove from the Island & let him sail somewhere else, the guy is an Emperor, & he isn't kind of guy you can put in Prison, already went through that multiple times.

And why do you think Oda made Kaido love the idea of Dying? It's because he is the only Villain that Oda needs to be Killed, so he made sure to make him embrace Death to make his Beheading Scene less scary & Fans won't think that Kaido was ruined by Oda

Also why don't you also make a Compilation of Villain's Claims/Legends & how their Defeat symbolizes the End of their Legend?

01. Morgan who threatened everyone with Execution got defeated by his Own Prisoner who he tried to Execute
02. Buggy the one who was terrorizing Orange Town with his DF, got stripped of his Body Parts before Defeat
03. Kuro the one with Hundred Plans & can use his Head to come out with amazing Plans was Defeated with a Headbutt
04. Krieg who used Arsenal of many many Weapons & Armor, got his Shiny Armor Shattered before Defeat
05. Crocodile who was hiding in the Shadows & Underground like a Crocodile got Defeated by being punched to the Sky
06. Bellamy who mocked Dreams & Luffy's Way of Piracy got silenced & humiliated with a Single Punch
07. Enel claimed Divinity & his Rule covered great range, got defeated by ringing Golden Bell, making his Defeat heard by everyone
08. Foxy who relies on Cheating, got defeated by his own Trick (Mirror)
09. Moriah who was Greedy & relied on others, got defeated because he couldn't control 1000 Shadows
10. Doflamingo who controlled everyone like a Puppeteer & was called "Heavenly Yaksha" got punched from the Sky to Underground
11. Cracker who creates Food to Fight for him, got defeated by Luffy's Belly after getting Fat from all that Food
12. Undefeated Katakuri falling on his back to admit Defeat & the end of his Legend

And i skipped many many Villains, this was just a tease
As you can see, Villain's Defeats are Symbolic

Now go check Chapter 795 & tell me what is Kaido's Legend? It's the Unkillable & Undefeated Creature
So will Luffy Defeat Kaido? Sure
But what about his Cannot Die Legend? That's obviously reserved for Zoro

As you can see, Wano Arc highlighted Zoro vs Orochi & it's definitely the Arc that focused on Zoro the most compared to all other Arcs just like Shells Town Arc was about Zoro & Helmeppo at first but things witched to Morgan later. And Orochi + Kaido is no different than Morgan + Helmeppo (Morgan too stood back up after Luffy defeated him)

The exact same Scenario will happen again, Luffy knocks out Kaido & claims himself Victorious but then Kaido returns & Orochi will also be there & that is when ZKK happens & Orochi is finally dealt with too at same time

You were in the people who said Zoro will defeat Kaido Alone.
Thread wasn't talking about killing Kaido after he was defeated.
Don't lie and catch your L
You were in the people who said Zoro will defeat Kaido Alone.
Thread wasn't talking about killing Kaido after he was defeated.
Don't lie and catch your L
Learn to Read Please & don't ever call me a Liar again
The Poll said "Who will Land Final Attack on Kaido?" & i chose Zoro Alone & still does

Kaido isn't Defeated yet
The Poll didn't ask if Zoro will Fight Kaido alone or not, only asked about Final Attack
If this is about ZKK, then nothing that happened this chapter at all surprised me or means it can’t happen. Here’s a quick collection of all the stuff I’ve said well before the last chapter was released about how I expect things to go down, with the most relevant parts in bold

Who beat Don Krieg, Luffy or Gin?

Or to put the cat even more among the pigeons, who beat Monet, Zoro or Tashigi?

If ZKK happens Luffy will still be the one who beats Kaido in a fight. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

Luffy will overcome hybrid Kaido- the strongest form of Kaido- in a fight, but the thing the Scabbards talked about- it ain’t over until Kaido is dead- will then come into play, super Zoan recovery rate and Kaido’s own unnatural body will come into play, he’ll recover, go into dragon form and that’s when Zoro kills him- like Ryuma, killing a dragon, not a dragon-man hybrid.

If ZKK happens, I can guarantee that’s how it will go down.

End of the day, the set up for Zoro‘s crowning achievement in this arc is for him to cut down Kaido over the Flower Capital, like Ryuma did to another dragon, using the sword of Oden. That is what Zoro’s greatest achievement here will be.

Can Oda also throw in Zoro vs King? Sure. Nothing stopping it. But it isn’t going to be the main event for Zoro. Oda has bothered giving any set up for it, the two were in the same vicinity as each other for like ten chapters and totally ignored one another.

Zoro vs Kaido is what has to happen. Zoro vs King is what could. If Oda also wants to throw in Zoro, not just being one of the main figures defeating Kaido, but also having defeated his strongest man before it... well, I certainly won’t complain. But it’s not going to be the main event.
If ZKk happens, it’ll be after Luffy’s already beat Hyrbido in a 1 vs 1 but he gets back up again because of awakening.

With a scene like that.

Then it’ll be Dragon Kaido that Zoro kills, cause that’s what all the parallels with Ryuma are about.

We might even see three separate Kaido defeats. A round one defeat, where the Supernova all “beat“ him. Here Zoro’s big role will be opening the scar.

Then a recovery round 2, where he gets up and displays his powers of recovery with Awakening and knocks out everyone bar Luffy. Then you can get the Luffy vs Kaido one-vs-one where Luffy comes out on top, and Luffy shows himself to be the strongest fighter, the only one who can go toe to toe, solo, with Hybrido and win.

Then a final round, Zoan awakening kicks in again and that’s where Zoro lands the final killing blow on dragon form Kaido.

I think that would satisfy the most people. Luffy proves himself the better all-round fighter, Zoro still plays a huge role in the defeat of Kaido and it’s not really an execution per se.

Looking back at past fights we have had Krieg finally being knocked out by Gin, while Luffy was unconscious. It was still clear that Luffy was the one to beat Krieg though. If ZKK happens it would have to be like that, just far more dramatic and with Zoro also having big moments leading up to the final hit.
Ah look, at one point I still cared about Zoro vs King. That was before I thought Oda would give Zoro so much of a fight against Kaido

People are right to point out that Luffy is still the main character and needs to beat Kaido. Same way that the story points to Zoro (at the least) cutting Kaido, and Kid and Law playing a part in his defeat, the story also needs this to be the moment that Luffy comes into his own as a Great Pirate and gets ready to hand his hat back to Shanks. That means Luffy has to prove himself the strongest on the ally side, the main reason that Kaido is defeated and the one to beat him.

Having said all that, I still think that the above can happen, and that Zoro can kill Kaido.

Zoro killing Kaido (should it happen) will be in dragon form. Dragon Kaido will not be as strong as hybrid Kaido.

What Oda would need to do is have Luffy be the one who performs the best against, and overcomes, hybrid Kaido. I think Oda will need to write it as Luffy clearly having hybrid Kaido beaten, maybe even have Kaido acknowledge that. Then have Dragon Kaido flying off to destroy the Flower Capital as a last throw of the dice, with him acknowledging that he can’t beat Luffy, and that’s where he could have Zoro come in and kill him. Hard to write, because he’d need to have a good way of keeping Luffy out of that final piece of action- Big Mom coming into play and Luffy needing to hold her off? Something like that- but it can be done.

And I’d also be wanting Zoro to have beaten King previously so that all he’s doing isn’t just killing wounded Kaido.
This is as far as I can tell, the first time I said that ZKK could happen, and only if...

Definitely opening the scar and saving the flower capital from Dragon Kaido

He can kill him, but only if
-It doesn’t overshadow Luffy
-Luffy is still shown as the victor against Kaido

which is hard to balance, but not impossible

I’m sure there’s more, but my argument has always been that Luffy would take on Kaido one vs one at some point and come out the clear winner. But for Zoro, he was always going to cut down Kaido as a dragon, above the flower capital, so that the legend of Ryuma can get a modern day retelling. And if Kaido is to die- and unlike other villains, there is a very, very good reason to think he is- then that’s a damn good time to do it.

So this last chapter, the only mildly surprising thing for me was that the 1 vs 1 phase has started (comparatively) early and opened back up Zoro vs King.
Learn to Read Please & don't ever call me a Liar again
The Poll said "Who will Land Final Attack on Kaido?" & i chose Zoro Alone & still does

Kaido isn't Defeated yet
The Poll didn't ask if Zoro will Fight Kaido alone or not, only asked about Final Attack
Thread wasn't about who will kill Kaido neither the poll was but only who will defeat him (land the final blow).
Everyone knows here Luffy don't kill so it wouldn't even be an option and even less the most choosen of the poll.
You lied or you can't understand easy sentences (which will be a big issue since you tried to argue about Zoro killing Kaido)
Thread wasn't about who will kill Kaido neither the poll was but only who will defeat him (land the final blow).
Everyone knows here Luffy don't kill so it wouldn't even be an option and even less the most choosen of the poll.
You lied or you can't understand easy sentences (which will be a big issue since you tried to argue about Zoro killing Kaido)
Dude, Thread says "Final Attack"
So if Luffy Knocks Out Kaido & then he Get back up & Zoro Beheads him
Zoro's Attack will be called "Final Attack"

I didn't even say the word "Kill" in my Reply to you
You clearly can't Read anything so i won't bother explaining again
Believe whatever you want to believe


Zoro Worshipper
The pattern is not convincing at all.

First of all Luffy claiming about crushing all four yonko is ambiguous. Would he crush Shanks either? Physically? Maybe he meant surpass?

Second, in one panel he also says: "we", lastly I explained my point about "I've got this" several times:

In relation to several claims of Zoro disobeying to Luffy's orders; let me say two things:

- First of all, what happened was situational. Luffy shouting "I've got this" is merely in that Zoro was off for that moment, he never orders him to stay down or infers to solo Kaido.

- Second, if his captain was endangered, Zoro would factually attempt to save him:

Dude, Thread says "Final Attack"
So if Luffy Knocks Out Kaido & then he Get back up & Zoro Beheads him
Zoro's Attack will be called "Final Attack"

I didn't even say the word "Kill" in my Reply to you
You clearly can't Read anything so i won't bother explaining again
Believe whatever you want to

It wasn't a thread about Final attack but who will land the final blow which will defeat Kaido at the end of their confrontation. First sentence of the OP.
If you answer Zoro you basically say Luffy won't defeat Kaido ever.
You have reading issues.
Moreover if you believe Zoro will land the final attack, you can't say Luffy has defeated Kaido.
That's mean Kaido isn't defeated.
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@Paperchampion23 Yo could you add a poll with who believes in ZKK, Luffy solo, Kaido lives options, or wtvr u feel makes sense.

Anyways, glad this came up, wanted to talk some ZKK. I’m positive most Zoro fans believe Luffy is taking on Kaido right now until he’s out of hybrid. I’m simply not going to reiterate common points others address.

Basically I see Luffy defeating Kaido and Big Mom this arc. I see Kid putting in a big chunk of damage, Law as well. But ultimately it’s Luffys roles to be responsible for the downfall of the Yonko just like it he did to most warlords (Allies with Jinbei, Boa, Mihawk helps Zoro, Kuma helps him; Defeats Croc, Moria, Doffy).

Given Luffy takes down both Yonko, it has to exclusively be through his own hands and/or his crew bc this is the story of the strawhats, which a lot of Kid fans don’t get. Kid is not defeating either Yonko. Oda coulda had Law defeat Doffy but Luffy did so.

Zoro has way too big a role this arc to take a back seat now. Going thru all points is honestly a pain. Bu it boils down to paralleling Thriller Bark and Wano.
  • 2 Yonko/2 Shichibukai
  • Zombie Hogback Animals/Gifters
  • Rocks Tease/Rocks In the Flesh
  • Shusui/Enma
  • Team Defeat of Oars/Supernova vs Kaido
  • Soul Soul Powers/Shadow Shadow Powers
  • Ryuma Origin/Ryuma Continuity
  • Hogback/Caesar or Queen
  • Hogback & Chopper / Queen & Chopper
  • Absalom Invisibility/Raid Shit
  • At the end of TB Zoro gets big moment that goes under the radar. Wano the same thing is due to happen
Wano was the first arc Oda ever wanted to do. He wants to replicate the dragon slaying (actually the reason why he drew monsters).
Several places throughout the story, magazines, SBS, where Oda introduces little teases of Zoro being the next Ryuma, slaying western dragon, getting shusui, cutting PH dragon, coming to Wano and Kaido IS a Weatern Dragon. Then we have all the recent SBS where Zoro is directly tied to Kaido and his sword were to have his devil fruit.

The information you presented indicates that Luffy will defeat Kaido. Which most people already accept. The thing is, a Yonko is an overwhelming force that you don’t just beat by punching to the ground. Rob Lucci healing up has put him back to first place as a front runner for CP0, Kaido healing up just makes him energetic to become that much stronger. You realize he will continue wreaking havoc on the world? And his death is the only solution.
I think about ZKK and it have a lot of similiraties with two Characters in DB
Vegeta : First time you see him, you will say he's not like the others Villains so far.
You can't Just beat him he needs to be killed.
Goku choose to let him alive later Vegeta comeback as an ally and a member of Team Z.

Freezer : He don't come back as an ally but once he was defeated him and all his underlings he wasn't a threat anymore. He came back to be an HypeTool for Goku and Trunks.
Freezeer needed to be killed way more than Kaido
He killed Krilin in front of Goku and was ready to kill Gohan
He Killed all the sayans and Nameks and was a tyrant in the universe.
This is worse than everything Kaido did.
He should also have been Killed by Vegeta by your standards as he destroyed his planet.
But nothing just defeated and used as an HypeTool.
Goku just taked the DB, and broke Freezer's dream of being Immortal
(Kaido's dream of dying or conquer the world thanks to the Poneglyhs, that Luffy will take)
Pain Killed Jiraya, hinata and wasn't kilked
I could spent hours on this topic.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I think about ZKK and it have a lot of similiraties with two Characters in DB
Vegeta : First time you see him, you will say he's not like the others Villains so far.
You can't Just beat him he needs to be killed.
Goku choose to let him alive later Vegeta comeback as an ally and a member of Team Z.

Freezer : He don't come back as an ally but once he was defeated him and all his underlings he wasn't a threat anymore. He came back to be an HypeTool for Goku and Trunks.
Freezeer needed to be killed way more than Kaido
He killed Krilin in front of Goku and was ready to kill Gohan
He Killed all the sayans and Nameks and was a tyrant in the universe.
This is worse than everything Kaido did.
He should also have been Killed by Vegeta by your standards as he destroyed his planet.
But nothing just defeated and used as an HypeTool.
Goku just taked the DB, and broke Freezer's dream of being Immortal
(Kaido's dream of dying or conquer the world thanks to the Poneglyhs, that Luffy will take)
Pain Killed Jiraya, hinata and wasn't kilked
I could spent hours on this topic.
You just bodied yourself.
Goku didn't kill frieza.
A swordsman did.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I never said Goku Killed freezer you read too fast.
I said he came back as an hypetool for Goku and Trunks
Trunks Killed him and later Goku easily fought with Trunks.
Hence it showed us Goku and Trunks were way stronger than Freezer.
Frieza still died and not to the mc. That's the point.
The only kill goku actually got in z was kidd but out of all the main villains.
On topic. Post wano luffy won't be > kaido
Kaido can ko luffy at any time and IF there's no one to save him easily kill him.
Not the same as goku who once went ssj was > freiza.
Frieza still died and not to the mc. That's the point
Yes because he came back as an HypeTool not because he will destroy everything and start again (like we read for ZKK) it's make a huge difference.

On topic. Post wano luffy won't be > kaido
Who Told you. If he beats Kaido in a final 1v1 and broke his records. He will likely be stronger or strong enough to defeat him if he came back.
Kaido can ko luffy at any time and IF there's no one to save him easily kill him.
At the start of the fight but not anymore. If he could he wouldn't be pissed of that luffy get up again.
Not the same as goku who once went ssj was > freiza.
They had a long fight even after Goku went SSJ and they were pretty close.
The difference was made during the year after the fight. (Goku had time to practice with SSJ, like Luffy will have to practice with AdCoA and AdCoC)
And that Zoro has bonded with Wano's citizen more than even Luffy
Tbh this is not really true.

Zoro bonded with Hiyori,O-Toko,Yasu and the Ebisu people specifically and felt their pain and despair through the smile effects on them.

Luffy on the other hand bonded with Tama in Kuri and then various imprisoned people(thousands) from all Wano regions in Udon; he got infected with Queen's virus and helped them overcome their fears of challenging Kaidou and Orochi.

Zoro may have traveled more through Wano but he certainly didn't bond with more Wano citizens than luffy.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Yes because he came back as an HypeTool not because he will destroy everything and start again (like we read for ZKK) it's make a huge difference.

Who Told you. If he beats Kaido in a final 1v1 and broke his records. He will likely be stronger or strong enough to defeat him if he came back.

At the start of the fight but not anymore. If he could he wouldn't be pissed of that luffy get up again.

They had a long fight even after Goku went SSJ and they were pretty close.
The difference was made during the year after the fight. (Goku had time to practice with SSJ, like Luffy will have to practice with AdCoA and AdCoC)
He literally just kod luffy with ragnorak. If not for zoro again luffy dies there.
Kaidos not even used his awakening yet. Kaido has fought 14 people so far and counting there is no real 1 v 1 here.
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Long fight my ass. It was like 5 mins and goku outclassed him.
He literally just kod luffy with ragnorak. If not for zoro again luffy dies there.
Kaidos not even used his awakening yet. Kaido has fought 14 people so far and counting there is no real 1 v 1 here.
Post automatically merged:

Long fight my ass. It was like 5 mins and goku outclassed him.
Before AdCoC. AdCoC improves Luffy's defence. Just see how he deflected Kaido's Kanabo first time he did this yet.
Yeah Zoro and Law did a great job without them it will be tough. Now their roles isn't to defeat Kaido maybe Law but I don't think.

Luffy fought Fodders all his way to the Top, had a little skirmish with Yamato, PageOne and Ulti and taked 2 free shots from Apoo.
That's a lot too.
I'm just talking about the final 1vs1. I don't count everything they did before.
(By your Logic Luffy didn't get a clean 1vs1 since Crocodile I think).
It last for something like 5 hours in the anime. As for the manga I forget how much cahpters those 5min lasts


World's Strongest Swordsman
Before AdCoC. AdCoC improves Luffy's defence. Just see how he deflected Kaido's Kanabo first time he did this yet.
Yeah Zoro and Law did a great job without them it will be tough. Now their roles isn't to defeat Kaido maybe Law but I don't think.

Luffy fought Fodders all his way to the Top, had a little skirmish with Yamato, PageOne and Ulti and taked 2 free shots from Apoo.
That's a lot too.
I'm just talking about the final 1vs1. I don't count everything they did before.
(By your Logic Luffy didn't get a clean 1vs1 since Crocodile I think).
It last for something like 5 hours in the anime. As for the manga I forget how much cahpters those 5min lasts
Did you just compare luffy fighting gifters and his interactions with apoo to the 14 people kaido fought ? Really ?
You think kaidos not gonna hit luffy again and luffys just gonna one shot him next chapter ?
Every time luffy knocks kaido down he gets up and knocks luffy out.
5 mins is 5 mins I don't care how many episodes.