Future Events Will Nami get her potential romantic interest?



Nami will be part of Zoro's Hareem.

Hareem includes notable members like (Hyori, Robin, Nami, Perona, Vivi, Tashigi, Reiju, Luffy, Carrot, Viola, Pudding, Big Mom, Boa, Sanji, Ulti, Rebecca, Chopper, Kuina, Koala, Shirahoshi, Sora, Jewelry, Black Maria)
Why is Sanji in this? And his dead mother?
yes sanji has tienshinhan but zoro will get all the bitches even in the zoro novel he is described as an ikemen:goyea:
There is a Zoro novel?!

. But you know what, in Wano Oda turned SH girls into ptostitutes who goes to public bath where every one looked at them
The public bath part had been discussed to death.
Public baths were a thing in Japan back in the day and seen as completely normal.


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Warchief Sanji D Goat

I agree that SaNa looks nice in manga, but what if it will be SanPu in the end?! Pidding erased memory of Sanji for what reason? Only to let Oda do not him grow as character at this point. To let him use a lot of fanservice, like Nami and Robin bath in Wano. But you know what, in Wano Oda turned SH girls into ptostitutes who goes to public bath where every one looked at them. Which just mean that Oda wouldn't stop in anything to show fanservice. From other hand he keep skipping the fights. So...for me it's obvious that Oda would never let SaNa happen, as well as LuNa. You know that girl that everyone saw is not end prise at all. Maybe FroRobin could still work somehow, but SaNa and LuNa is dead. I would be surprised if they will oficially happen. Luna or SaNa could happened only when Oda cared about Nami as character, and now she is not. Oda just use her as fanservice tool
Nah. Despite how Oda doesn't want romance to be involved in the story, I still think that Sanji and Nami have good chemistry and interactions with each others. As I said, if Sanji x Pudding happens then I'm fine too. Just sayin' that SaNa looks better in every way.


The only one who can beat me is me
She already has one, it’s Luffy. The only person that makes sense for either one of them is each other. Luffy β€œhaving” Hancock makes no sense when he’s told her to her face he has no interest in her.
When will people learn that the MC's opinion on the girl doesn't matter. Feel good mangaka don't have the guts to shaft a prominent female chasing the male.

Same thing happened with Hinata (despite Naruto loving Sakura), same thing happened with Orihime, Sakura, (spoiler)Mikasa. Males are shown to be indifferent, the girls overtly showing love are all that matter.

Hancock would be devastated if Luffy ended up with another girl, so if he does end up with someone, it's gonna be her. Oda is not gonna allow Luffy to even remotely look like a cold hearted douchebag when he doesn't have any romantic interests to begin with, he'll have turned Hancock down for no reason at that point. If Hancock wants him she's getting him. Plain and simple. (if he doesn't end up with anyone, then it's possible she won't end up with him)


Talent is something you make bloom.
I agree that SaNa looks nice in manga, but what if it will be SanPu in the end?! Pidding erased memory of Sanji for what reason? Only to let Oda do not him grow as character at this point. To let him use a lot of fanservice, like Nami and Robin bath in Wano. But you know what, in Wano Oda turned SH girls into ptostitutes who goes to public bath where every one looked at them. Which just mean that Oda wouldn't stop in anything to show fanservice. From other hand he keep skipping the fights. So...for me it's obvious that Oda would never let SaNa happen, as well as LuNa. You know that girl that everyone saw is not end prise at all. Maybe FroRobin could still work somehow, but SaNa and LuNa is dead. I would be surprised if they will oficially happen. Luna or SaNa could happened only when Oda cared about Nami as character, and now she is not. Oda just use her as fanservice tool
Gonna say what I said in somewhere else about this.
Sanji is Pudding's "first love". But he just didn't treat her like shit. Once she gets the self love she needs, she will eventually find other people who won't treat her like a freak and be nice to her. That's all. it COULD be Sanji, but it could just as well be someone else.
Despite Sanji simping hard for Nami, he is too much of a player to get out of the game. I also dont see Nami settling down and becoming a housewife or some shit like that. I think they would each follow their lives, but from time to time, they would always go back to each other, because, in the end, they belong together.
Gonna say what I said in somewhere else about this.
Sanji is Pudding's "first love". But he just didn't treat her like shit. Once she gets the self love she needs, she will eventually find other people who won't treat her like a freak and be nice to her. That's all. it COULD be Sanji, but it could just as well be someone else.
Despite Sanji simping hard for Nami, he is too much of a player to get out of the game. I also dont see Nami settling down and becoming a housewife or some shit like that. I think they would each follow their lives, but from time to time, they would always go back to each other, because, in the end, they belong together.
Yeah But Miroku settled down with Sango. :gokulaugh:
Dude, the 40-year "good ending" Sanji sketch looks too much like an active player for me to think he will definitely settle down with anyone.

Look at this guy. Marriage? Not for him.
I'm sorry, correct me, but those just possible look in the future. It's not 100% future that awaits our heroes. Oda just explaned that future look of heroes depends on events that could happen.
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How many users out here believe that Nami has got actual love feelings (in that sense) for a crew member or even multiple? If yes who and why?
Obviosly she has feeling to all crew members case thinks about crew like about own family.