One Piece Chapter 963 Spoilers Discussion

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Bit of a summary of the WB Pirates Panel
- The WB Pirates are a perplexed that they arrived on land after climbing the waterfall (Seems like a few of them are missing)
- Marco volunteered to go somewhere ‘prolly scouting’ and Whitebay doesn’t want him to go coz he’s only an apprentice.
- The Wano folk were in a bit of panic coz a Pirate Ship have touched down at one of the Wano Port (Idate was it?)
- A random person is worried and telling some people that ‘someone’ has gone to drive them off.
- WB senses someone rapidly approaching them so he tells his crew to step back.
Damn that wb observation haki is on game


Bit of a summary of the WB Pirates Panel
- The WB Pirates are a perplexed that they arrived on land after climbing the waterfall (Seems like a few of them are missing)
- Marco volunteered to go somewhere ‘prolly scouting’ and Whitebay doesn’t want him to go coz he’s only an apprentice.
- The Wano folk were in a bit of panic coz a Pirate Ship have touched down at one of the Wano Port (Idate was it?)
- A random person is worried and telling some people that ‘someone’ has gone to drive them off.
- WB senses someone rapidly approaching them so he tells his crew to step back.
"Jo ndule is tripping"

Marco was a rookie... and even now he hasn't even surpassed commander Oden (Yc1+) lol

Now we know Rakuyo and Whitebay were WB top 2!!!
Prior Oden joining. Then WB top 3 was Oden Rakuyo and Whitebay.
This means WB made his crew 38 years ago after Rocks disband and only became famous 33 years ago coz he hit Prime.

I like it how BM and WB crew structure was similar to Their captain rox.
The YC1 is A man : katakuri / Rakuyo
The Yc2 is a woman : Smoothie/ White bay
WB himself was Rox YC1 and BM Yc2. Shiki wasnt original member.

Like I said Marco was never the official RH...public saw him as one. Rakuyo is WB true Vc and RH!
Oden was WB strongest underling ever.

Also The last page...WB felt Oden aura and tol shis crew to step back!!!
This hyped Oden even more!!! Reminds me of Ace vs Teach...teach letting his crew that they arent a match to tag Ace.


Well he didn't get highlighted in MF so he wasn't imo

The memorable thing he did on MF was attacking Kizaru and having a short fight with him offpanel till Marco saved his ass and fight Kizaru
Turns out Rakuyo was indeed WB true VC and RH!
Did Maroc surpass Rakuyo? Yes but back then Rakuyo was stronger.
I think he land whitebay left when WB became sick! this gave Marco and Co chances to become stronger.

It also explains why Shanks doesn't really remember Marco
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Who is that chick on Whitebeard's ship? I thought whitebeard didn't like having chicks on his crew
WB orginal YC2. Who latter became an ally captain


Sure, ace had bigger potential then marco, same way BB also had bigegr potential then marco.

Same way cabin boy shanks had bigger potential then rayleigh and roger gave his hat to shanks and would raise him into the next captain of the crew. Same way if kid of shanks joins straw hats, luffy will raise him into the next captain of the crew instead of zoro or jimbe, because kind shanks has bigger potential then them to grow into a great pirate captain of his era.
Zoro has bigger potential than Shanks
He will reach the WSS title at very young age.

Who is that chick on Whitebeard's ship? I thought whitebeard didn't like having chicks on his crew
She Is the equivalent of Smoothie in WB ship
Oden is too strong of a personality even for Whitebeard, that's just absolutely hilarious. I can already see why Whitebeard couldn't keep that man tied down and loyal so he eventually jumped to Roger's ship. To be fair, a chance to visit Laugh Tale was too good to pass up and Whitebeard just had no interest in treasure hunting like that.

Vista was probably the right-hand man before Oden joined, he is prominently displayed on the group panel and already an adult. VISTA HYPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, every Mihawk staller fanboy get in :pepedoffy:
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