One Piece Chapter 963 Spoilers Discussion

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One Piece 963 Spoiler Pics:
-Whitebeard Pirates arrive at Wano.
Edward Newgate: We just climbed up a waterfall didn't we? In which case, why is there a sea and mountains here?!
Edward Newgate(?): Seems like we have almost everyone. It's coz my body's a little rusty *(not sure about the context here but given they just got washed up at the shore, I translated it like so)
Marco: I'll go as well!
Whitey Bay?: No way. You're still an apprentice.
Wano townsfolk 1: Seems like there is a pirate ship at Idate port!
Wano townsfolk 2: It looks a bit different from the usual
Wano townsfolk 3: Hey guys! this is bad! Is seems like "he/she" went to drive them off!
Edward Newgate: All of you, step back!
Whitebeard Crew: Why?! what's going on
Edward Newgate: Something is coming.

---"Start Flashback"
???: We were brothers!
Inu/Neko: So it's a place overseas called Wano...? ^^
Neko: I'd like to go there some day!!
---"End Flashback"
Inu/Neko: *Screams*
Neko: Goddamnit!!!! this place is the worst!!!
Crucifier 1: Aren't they evil spirits/demons?
Kawamatsu!: Gyaaah!!! no I'm not, I'm a Kappa! *(this made me lol:ROFLMAO:)
Crucifier 2: To think we just stumbled upon a demon cat, demon dog & a kappa!
Crucifier 3: I wonder if this beach/seashore is cursed?! Let's roast them to death!!!

--"Cut to Newgate & Oden"
Whitebeard crew: Holy smokes!
Oden: My name is Kouzuki Oden. I don't know who you are but let me travel on your ship!
Edward Newgate: ?!!!

--"Cut to Kawamatsu and Oden scene"
Kawamatsu: *Munching deliciously*
Oden: *Surprised*
Kawamastu: We got stoned simply because we were fishmen, but mom got hurt/injured, so she was unable to go back to fishman island.
Kawamatsu: When mom died, she said this, "The people of the world discriminate against us fishmen, so I want you persist that you're a Kappa and live on!!!"
Kawamatsu: I am Kawamatsu the Kappa and I've lived on scraps and leftovers all up to this point.
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Oden is really pure hype.
I mean, even rookie Ace managed to defeat someone like Jinbe, then spent his time on WB's ship and consistently lost against WB. Heck, OLDbeard even slapped him while asleep whereas Oden equally clashed against PRIMEbeard.

After this chapter, it is really likely that Orochi could have poisoned him before he fought against Kaido since Oden is that much of a monster. This would hype Oden even more.
Man I feel so bad for kawamatsu glad oden got there and helped him and the cat/dog as well
Same here must have been pretty rough for them. Kinda reminds of Donquioxte Hemming, was it? and his family when they gave up their nobility as celestial dragons to leave as normal folks. Also, this little bit of info on Kawamatsu kinda put things into perspective, making it all the more sad. For example, this explain why he was alble to survive on poisonous fish for so many years, and why he was able endure hunger all the whilst feeding hiyori throughout the time he protected her:catcry:


Oden is really pure hype.
I mean, even rookie Ace managed to defeat someone like Jinbe, then spent his time on WB's ship and consistently lost against WB. Heck, OLDbeard even slapped him while asleep whereas Oden equally clashed against PRIMEbeard.

After this chapter, it is really likely that Orochi could have poisoned him before he fought against Kaido since Oden is that much of a monster. This would hype Oden even more.
:yasu: even G4 luffy couldn't make BM sweat ...
She laughed it off...

Imagine Oden pushing Roger past midd diff...
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