Chap Analysis
The chap was aa TREAT... well ironic considering the spoilers but ig those weren't put together well and led to redundant arguments on the forum. So Kid and Killer have their match ups set.. and have tanked a darn devastating attack, its streaks towered even the Skull with the impact about the size of the Skull.. they somehow dusted it off
Hawkin's words regarding kid and Killer intrigue me, saying that taking both kid and Killer on would be suicidal.. which is true but.. wouldn't that prove that Killer is a force to be reckoned with, then why are his chances so low in surviving,but then again seeing killer unwavering was a sight...ig its nit that killer is weak but more of a visionary from Hawkins... its up to killer to defy them
We go back to the roof where the 2 yonkos are brawling

Kaido shows, time and time again, subtle signs of admiration to luffy.. commenting on how luffy is enjoying the fight regardless the risks, there is that cockiness in luffy's expression but the more confident he is the better it is for his growth in the fight.. and soon kaido after vaguely comments oh his smile with obscure comments, theyy both get a spectacular clash.. where luffy is seen pushing with his fists and then resorting to his leg.. so this confirms the need of physical strength while using luffy is physically keeping up with hybrid offense centered kaido...thats exceptional growth from luffy... its time to switch gears innit?
Fast forward to the gagster duo (yea Ussop and nami) THIS ENCOUNTER WAS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR.. the turmoil made comedic in such an entertaining way.. it really reflects the originality ussop and nami put forward...
and we got a pseudo God Ussop moment finally just for him to revert to his shuddered facial cringe after he sees pAy pay getting up after that splendid attack...Typical ussop ,love to see it
Quote of the day goes to Usopp
Now regarding BM and her condition it seems rare and prolly won't last long and idk why but people are having problems with her way of the Pirate code and morality and that her character is not consistent... well.. its supposed to be inconsistent.. BM has been portrayed as a very impulsive character with special problems.. but even she sticks to her way of the code... just like WB wouldn't touch anything that's precious to others.. she won't forgive the ones who hurt people that are kind to her... it seems that BM does have principles that were once non existent to us.. since she is very impulsive.. but turns out she has a pirates pride for herself as well.. so good character development there oda..
take BM's consistency as a character in her inconsistencies... she's a special case after all.
So then
the chap was previously a 4/5.. with the spoilers... but the chap is a 5