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Lmao oda always saves the best fights for last :kayneshrug: who was even talking about sanji? Don't you think it's kinda pathetic to bring this up seeing you damn well know sanji will get a fight revealed later? And it's gona be against someone stronger than hawkins :milaugh: I like killer Don't get me wrong. But killer fans are just zoro and kid fans who like him for what they think he represents. Which is "a rival to zoro" and a zoro counterpart for kidd.
he saves the best fights for last? So hawkins vs killer is one of the best?
no, kaido is said to be WSC same way WB was said to be WSM but he clearly wasnt the strongest character when he showed up in marineford and thats the only time we had "Strongest Man in the World" title written next to his name
I said "currently active" meaning no dead/retired characters; he's at least top 5 among the currently active characters in the series and if Luffy gets a W he's among the top 5(again I'm talking about "currently active" and no dead/retired characters)
Kudos to whoever initially (as in before this chapter) suggested that the siblings join Kid. They're kids, after all. I thought it wouldn't make sense for anyone to join him given his experience with betrayal but this would make it a good set up. Ulti would be completely ass out if she decided to fight Big Mom and Kid certainly needs help, so


Heavy Metal
Kudos to whoever initially (as in before this chapter) suggested that the siblings join Kid. They're kids, after all. I thought it wouldn't make sense for anyone to join him given his experience with betrayal but this would make it a good set up. Ulti would be completely ass out if she decided to fight Big Mom and Kid certainly needs help, so
thanks for the kudos :D
It was me a few weeks ago, we made even a thread about it:

he saves the best fights for last? So hawkins vs killer is one of the best?
It's better than the lower tier strawhats I'll give him that. So yea one of the best, still likely to get mostly off screened sadly. One tier bellow the best. Im expecting to see drake setup, law and kid start whatever they are gona be doing, big mom likely. Apoo, then lastly see what zoro does for the reminded or the arc and sanjis fight. but the calamities, the top dogs, sanji zoro fights. These things are set up last :goyea:

excluding the luffy fight that often is set up and starts early but everything else is set up and concludes before luffys fight reaches its climax.


It's better than the lower tier strawhats I'll give him that. So yea one of the best, still likely to get mostly off screened sadly. One tier bellow the best. Im expecting to see drake setup, law and kid start whatever they are gona be doing, big mom likely. Apoo, then lastly see what zoro does for the reminded or the arc and sanjis fight. but the calamities, the top dogs, sanji zoro fights. These things are set up last :goyea:

excluding the luffy fight that often is set up and starts early but everything else is set up and concludes before luffys fight reaches its climax.
i supposed it's good to be optimistic.
Assuming sanji will get a fight at all is a good way to stay positive:milaugh:
People are upset cuz Luffy, not Zoro, is Kaido main opponent. No one complained about Zoro "asspulls" during his moments against Kaido [dude tanked yonko hits after getting KO by nerfed killer], but now are complaining about Luffy.

About the chapter: Overall a nice 7.5/8.0 chapter

Kaido/Luffy moment was great, Killer VS Hawking match up is interesting and very unexpected

About BM character, she clearly have shown a "moral" side before [totoland idea, mother carmel, allowing pedro and jinbei to leave her crew after paying a price]. My only complain is this new "mother mode", she could just be grateful to Tama. Still, this makes O-lin plotline less dumb, cuz gives a reason for BM clash against Kaido.
Basically, yeah. You have those whining babies who scream that the roof is bad now, they switched at the tip of a hat. A pathetic lot if I had to say.
Either of the S or Z... few extras too.
I said "currently active" meaning no dead/retired characters; he's at least top 5 among the currently active characters in the series and if Luffy gets a W he's among the top 5(again I'm talking about "currently active" and no dead/retired characters)
yeah he's among top 5 but even if luffy beats kaido now, others have done significant damage to kaido too, like zoro gave scar, scabbards also managed to pierce kaido's skin. so I dont think luffy will be strongest if he gets W. he'd be among top tiers for sure
Ulti will attack Linlin and call her traitor. She will rage Linlin up and then gets hit heavily. More or less the same way Paypay got hit. But she is able to stand up again directly, but pretty hurt and huffing. Big mum then charges up again and hits her again. She falls down, extremely hurt, blood all over, but crawling to paypay. "I dont let you die Paypay..."

Big mum will jump up, use Hera and wants to give Ulti and Paypay the finish blow, Ulti looks straight in the thunderball, scared, some little tears, but still filled in anger, till she suddenly sees an impact in big mums face and big mum get thrown into the wall from a giant metal hand, filled in CoA.

"Found you old hag." - Kid
I mean it's closer to fanfic material. But I'll take it over some other shit.


Heavy Metal
Do you see 1 of the Calamities also joining? The addition of the Beast Pirates members would certainly lift Kid crews to be really close to the SHs
@Titty Croissant brought this up back then and mentioned specially Jack, since jack is still pretty young.
I could imagine that, but it kinda is depending on what heat and wire will show in the raid. Are they on the level of jinbe/Sanji/franky? If yes, they would need jack only if Yamato is joining strawhats.

i mean, it is still Luffy Piece und the strawhats will always be above kid and his crew. The plot is planed and written like that. So, still just my opinion, oda will keep the kid pirates als rivalry crew. If jack would join without sh getting Yamato, it would feel to much. But after all? Why not.

my brain for that (and this doesn’t mean ultimately powerwise):

Luffy - Kid
Zoro - Killer
Sanji - Heat (both flames, heat called him pathetic directly)
Jinbei - Wire (wire with trident -> Poseidon-themed)
Nami - Ulti
Isopod - Page One
Franky- ???
Robin - ???
Chopper - ???
Brook - ???

(Yamato - Jack)

it would fit so far.
Luffy's and Kaido parallel Roger/Newgate
They enjoy fighting each other.
That's why Kaido isn't threathening anymore for now.
And as I told a long ago it could be an escape for Oda not killing Kaido
Dude like fighting Luffy if he's defeated he will accept it and train to have a revenge mark my words
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