Current Events Luffy vs Kaido is a major asspull

Are you okay with how the Luffy vs Kaido fight is playing out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 72 50.0%

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What difference does it make if he is one shotted immediately or few seconds later. That's why he learned Ryuo and trained in Udon wasn't it, or he would have just escaped the prison and faced Kaido again without any training if his mental was the only reason he got one shotted:wellwell:.
Do you even try to make sense? Why would Luffy let Kaidou hit him in his normal state of mind?
Are you that fucking biased?
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Luffy gets one shotted and I am salty? Sure. :yasu:
Keep crying. IDC.
Best argument here.
Yeah It's way better than any Zoro fan's argument.
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He would still get hit by Thunder bagua remember Luffy couldn't completely dodge it even after his training in Udon.
I'm not saying He'll dodge forever. But even for katakuri it was difficult for him to tag Luffy. So this "mere seconds" that these Zoro fans are clamoring on about it's complete bullshit. They ignore the happenstance of Why Luffy is doing what he's doing etc...


Zoro Worshipper
Final Quit kidding yourself. You're making yourself the joke.
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Call when Luffy manages to tackle the beautiful potency of Hakai for a while and also factually consume a great portion of its blast and thermal energy stopping its trajectory and seemingly taking the aftermath explosion. :zosleepy:
Yes they all go back to zoro except luffy.
Hence we see kidd and killer jump away themselves
And Kid thank zoro not law
And zoro say nothing to law cause he didn't move him.
So you're saying Law, in the biggest dick move in the entire history of the series, saved himself, and left everyone else to fend for themselves? And then they all magically reappear next to each other. Even though Kid tried dodging in one direction, and Killer tried dodging in the opposite direction, and Luffy didn't even try dodging at all. Not only that, but Zoro didn't move at all, and they all went back to where he was, but they are nowhere in sight of Kaido and Big Mom.
Call when Luffy manages to tackle the beautiful potency of Hakai for a while and also factually consume a great portion of its blast and thermal energy stopping its trajectory and seemingly taking the aftermath explosion. :zosleepy:
Is that suppose to be an argument? Trying to change how we look at attacks now?
No trying so hard like that, You lost the argument by trying to put in so much other factors that don't matter.
Good Job Beta you played yourself.
Yes, so brute strength (channeled into - you guessed it! - punches) still rules the day here, it’s just coated in CoC so it’s harder to tell that we’re still watching basically the same thing we’ve always seen. As fans of shonen manga, we’re willing to accept a degree of repetition and reliability over ingenuity; Luffy beating Kaido this way is fine, but the author set the expectation that it would be more than that, and he isn’t delivering whatsoever.
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Like, it would be significantly harder to complain about what we’re seeing if Oda HADN’T set a higher expectation. If Luffy suddenly started throwing CoC hands out of nowhere, I think we all would have accepted it as a natural progression of his powers and fighting makes perfect sense, we were just promised more, and he could have just...not done that.
It isn't as anticlimactic as it would seem lol... it may be that you had high hopes for luffy's growth till Acoc to be more gradual and excruciating for luffy.. but guess what this isn't the first time luffy's had a club to the face and he has been pretty perceptive in such cases. I have been observing this trend of people setting high expectations or rather in this case interpreting the author's words subjectively and setting the stakes accordingly to the apex of their imagination ... and ending up deprived and dismayed...the fact that it generates disappointment is why i don't set stakes that high and let the author's choice and take flow in.

I'd also argue that those who hadn't come across that SBS had a good time digesting the events that transpired and those who did like you.. ended up deeming oda's words contradictory or in a sense atleast

rather than looking it from a your POV look at this holistically while considering the constricted limitation put to the pages and the pacing of the arc.. was it that Oda didn't realize the ideal solution to this problem.. or were your stakes just too high..
I didn't expect the community to be divided right down the middle when I made the poll. How can anyone read this fight and not say it isn't some kind of asspull? Call a spade a spade.

Instead of thinking, "holy shit Luffy is 1v1-ing Kaidou out of his ass, what an asspull", we should think otherwise "holy shit, the Scabbards and the 5 Supernovas really did some work on Kaidou, they weakened Kaidou enough for Luffy to 1v1 him, especially that Ashura of Zoro"
See, everyone wins in this situation. The world finally finds peace. :pepelit:
It doesn't matter how weakened Kaido may or may not be though. If Kaido was severely weakened, Oda would have made that clear. After Ashura, he was still on his feet. Luffy gets KO'ed by Ragnarok, then immediately gets up and all of a sudden has a new power up right that moment? It's shonen bullshit. Roronoa went down after he got clapped up. I hate miraculous recoveries. If it was Roronoa miraculously reviving after Thunder Bagua I would have called that an asspull too. There's no reason at this point of the story for Luffy to be in base form going toe to toe with a Yonko in his 2nd form.

Because luffy trianed ok? During when luffy fought kaido on wano he observe how tough kaido is, his skin, his speed etc etc. luffy trained after they conquered wano and he made he was more than ready to fight kaido.
What training? A couple of panels in Udon? That's all it takes? Instead of dedicating so much time to these side characters, he should have given Luffy real training so that the reader can objectively look at the fight and not immediately think asspull. He throws a couple of punches in Udon and now all of sudden he's Yonko level in base form? He observed Kaido's abilities in his first fight and thats all it takes to power up to his level? He wasn't ready and shouldn't be ready to 1v1 him, especially in Hybrid. The entire roof fight should have been a group effort that they all eventually lose. Zoro and Law going down should have been the end of it. Then you do an actual training arc in the next Act and have another group battle for the 3rd fight. Luffy shouldn't be at the level of going 1 on 1 with a Yonko until after Wano ends.

Oda has set the expectations and the power levels of Yonko way too high to just do that. I understand he wants to end the manga soon but if that's the case then dedicate panel time to what matters. Nico Robin for example should be pivotal in Wano and to the story in general due to the poneglyphs but she has gotten nothing in Wano so far. Instead we're reading panels about Dibi Dangos, horrible Smile designs, and shitty Oden samurai.

Oda decided to make the haki barriers into a cheap version of Bartolomeo's Bari Bari no Mi.
Since Kaido can use them too, Luffy's gears are useless as well, it nullifies physical strength apparently.
It makes the fights dull since they are not doing anything to each other.

The speed he gets from g2 or Snakeman will probably change nothing either since Kaido will likely scale up to it.
On the other hand, he doesnt need to since Luffy has no other way of dealing damage to him other than outspeeding him.
The barrier clash fights will become boring if they dont find a way to deal damage to each other.
It is not an ass pull, all it does is mimicking a weapon but lacks the cool techniques which come from weapons.
Was this physical strength nullification explained anywhere though? Would it not be better to have Luffy train his time limits when in Gear mode after the roof battle is over and wrap that in Conquerors instead?

No single Supernova should be strong enough to go toe to toe with a Yonko right now. Even if we're just talking COC clashes, how is Kaido's COC not stronger than Luffy's? Luffy just learned it on the spot and it's enough to clash with Kaido's club multiple times in base form? Lol I love One Piece but this is garbage.

It is indeed.

At least at this stage of the fight before it kinda looked promising because it sold the idea that teamwork will put an emperor down but now out of sudden one has possibly level power to evenly clash.
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Despite thinking the same that would only happen if Luffy idk is weakened due Kaido fight for two arcs or something.

Which is highly unlikely .
That's how it should have been. I understand that the eventual Kaido vs Luffy 1v1 has to come but not this early. Kaido vs Luffy in an equal battle is something you save for the final act or for post Wano. And yeah I know that Luffy will probably still be overwhelmed by Kaido eventually, but imagine if Kaido has to power up past hybrid to put down base Luffy. It would be so bad.

Luffy litteraly can use every type of advanced haki and the only powerup left that we know of is devil fruit awakening but somehow you guys want more than that for him to face equally kaido. :milaugh:
we don't even know if luffy will end up finishing the fight 1v1, if kaido doesn't hide another powerup or if luffy will need help in the end.
The fights are sick so far against kaido, let's just wait and see what's gonna happen in the next rooftop chapters. :kata:
Kaido is having a good time atm, but if he has to struggle to defeat Luffy or power up past Hybrid then that's trash tier writing and completely kills all Yonko hype for the rest of the series.

Yes, so brute strength (channeled into - you guessed it! - punches) still rules the day here, it’s just coated in CoC so it’s harder to tell that we’re still watching basically the same thing we’ve always seen. As fans of shonen manga, we’re willing to accept a degree of repetition and reliability over ingenuity; Luffy beating Kaido this way is fine, but the author set the expectation that it would be more than that, and he isn’t delivering whatsoever.
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Like, it would be significantly harder to complain about what we’re seeing if Oda HADN’T set a higher expectation. If Luffy suddenly started throwing CoC hands out of nowhere, I think we all would have accepted it as a natural progression of his powers and fighting makes perfect sense, we were just promised more, and he could have just...not done that.
Exactly. You can't hype Yonkos to this level and pull this kind of stuff. Like I said earlier, if he was in Snakeman form using COC I would be more accepting of this, but base form just cheapens everything, especially after taking Ragnarok in base. He shouldn't be able to get up from that. I know its shonen but come on. There are still lines you don't cross.

I agree
It's an asspull from Kaido though

It isn't as anticlimactic as it would seem lol... it may be that you had high hopes for luffy's growth till Acoc to be more gradual and excruciating for luffy.. but guess what this isn't the first time luffy's had a club to the face and he has been pretty perceptive in such cases. I have been observing this trend of people setting high expectations or rather in this case interpreting the author's words subjectively and setting the stakes accordingly to the apex of their imagination ... and ending up deprived and dismayed...the fact that it generates disappointment is why i don't set stakes that high and let the author's choice and take flow in.

I'd also argue that those who hadn't come across that SBS had a good time digesting the events that transpired and those who did like you.. ended up deeming oda's words contradictory or in a sense atleast

rather than looking it from a your POV look at this holistically while considering the constricted limitation put to the pages and the pacing of the arc.. was it that Oda didn't realize the ideal solution to this problem.. or were your stakes just too high..
The 1st club to the face was a Thunder Bagua. The 2nd club to the face was Ragnarok in Hybrid form. If he almost died from the first club, then how is it that he can miraculously recover from a stronger club? This isn't about setting expectations too high and imagining ideal scenarios as to how we want things to play out. It's about remaining consistent and not pulling shit out of your ass because you're in a rush to end the story. I am looking at this holistically and I'm looking at the big picture, and the way the fight is playing out doesn't make a lick of sense.
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No single Supernova should be strong enough to go toe to toe with a Yonko right now. Even if we're just talking COC clashes, how is Kaido's COC not stronger than Luffy's? Luffy just learned it on the spot and it's enough to clash with Kaido's club multiple times in base form? Lol I love One Piece but this is garbage.
Luffy just learned CoC?....and this is what you mean calling "spade a spade"...funny....Luffy learnt using CoC in 2 years training....and what he did was applying CoC to the attacks using the ryou theory he learnt in Udon...2 panels of training? do you want like some 20 chapters just showing Luffy training? ....CoC is not like CoA or cannot be trained....CoC is directly related to user willpower...and Luffy has immense will power and moreover Luffy is a CoC specialist remember?...
Luffy just learned CoC?....and this is what you mean calling "spade a spade"...funny....Luffy learnt using CoC in 2 years training....and what he did was applying CoC to the attacks using the ryou theory he learnt in Udon...2 panels of training? do you want like some 20 chapters just showing Luffy training? ....CoC is not like CoA or cannot be trained....CoC is directly related to user willpower...and Luffy has immense will power and moreover Luffy is a CoC specialist remember?...
When I said COC I meant ACOC. You guys use way too many acronyms but you know what I meant. 20 chapters no, but in order to rise to this level I do expect at least 10 chapters. There have been so many wasted panels in Wano that dedicating 10 would have been easy to do.

To your 2nd point, Kaido's immense willpower doesn't surpass Luffy's in base? Given how the world of OP has been set up, how can that be?