It's a tough job but someone has to do it.
I have had to restart this chapter of this book like 4 times already because of getting distracted with this game.
I am not sure why the suspicion on Usopp too much though, but maybe that is because I never read the opening posts of the game and that seems to be what this is dealing with. Though not a fan of out he tried to pivot attention to me.
Feeling ok about Fuji just because he got what I was saying without me writing a book about it, and found what Beta said odd too.
Mango I'm not sure what to make of. Just because what he said he was doing and what he did, made zero sense at all.
I always like Lind in a game whether they are town or not because they are always nice to me

So I misread them a lot.
Midnight, I always find so bizarre in games
I would say I didn't like the things Kvothe said but they said they could prove it which might be why they have such a care free attitude.
Gambi, I don't trust.
So hopefully now that I said a few things I can pay attention to this book for awhile and then come check to any responses I might get from this.