[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 6 - Naruto: Mafia Shippuden

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On day 1 you asked what's the vote count and why did you bother on asking when you said in this post the votes were tied between TAC and Usopp? I'll pull out your quotes later that looked sus to me.

I would rather a player gets lynched instead of vigged because scum might have some weird abilities to prevent themselves from getting vigged like what happened in previous games.
no one was giving me a vote count so i went to go and look and voted before i went to sleep. anything else?


I've heard of untrackable killers, but not undetectable ones. That seems kinda OP
No scum can kill undetectable.

However, no matter what one of you are lying.

Because she claims rolecrushed and that she didn't visit anyone. There would be no way you could see her at all if she was telling the truth. That is why one of you must be lying.


No scum can kill undetectable.

However, no matter what one of you are lying.

Because she claims rolecrushed and that she didn't visit anyone. There would be no way you could see her at all if she was telling the truth. That is why one of you must be lying.
Hate I can't edit.

No, Scum CAN kill undetectable.

Grammar is important.
[Active - Sharingan Genjutsu] - During the night, Itachi may trap a player under a genjutsu by locking eyes with them using his sharingan. The player will be role-blocked for that night. Additionally, any investigation results on them will be tampered with.


What could have been...
I am with utmost certainty telling you that I watched Light D. Lamperouge and natalija was the sole visitor.
There's already been bussing suspicions around here, chances of there being more than 1 redirector is slim.

You don't have to trust me, but my results aren't lying.

Natalija only swapped TAC because she wanted to save face.
unless scum have someone that doesnt appear on watchers/trackers, nat is 100% scum
and i do believe ur watcher claim

Tried to kill lanji cus he seemed to bandwagon.

Can't see shit though now, since I probably got rb.
seemed to bandwagon? can u explain this reasoning more?
@LANJI CUCKSMOKE was voting himself by EoD

why would u try to kill lanji again? why do you shoot ur kill at him instead of the other suspects?

guys i feel like we caught a 2nd scum in marimo as well

good work here
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