Where is Law?

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Did I stutter ?

He'll go from Mr Tanuki to Commander Chopper

Big Mom will nerf Queen, then Queen defeats Big Mom. Then Queen is nerfed enough for Chopper to beat him....
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Chopper beat a dude stronger than Franky's opponent in Ennies Lobby. It wont be suprising....

Anyways he'll get loads of help, whilst Jinbe does it solo.
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Oda wtf is wrong with you?? So we don't get sanji for 2 months and the only thing that he's done is run around onigashima. Why???? The only reason sanji and black maria plotline happened was just so that robin and brook got their fights and a shitty gag. I got my hopes up that sanji would pull of a spy type feat, the same as in alabasta but now he's going to team up with the scabbards to fight queen??? Sanjis becoming the new chopper of the crew.
Sanji will shine when they have won against BP and BMP. He will cook the meal to celebrate the win, and in return will gain praises from friends and foes alike. It is the only logical option that I can think of right now. Oda literally treating Sanji like a clueless simping monkey.

Actually, it is just a stalling tactic, raid is not ending anytime soon, we are going to witness the longest arc in not only OP's history but in all Mangas ever created. Oda is being shameless about it, he is owning it, and clearly saying, I am the boss so whatever I do is good for the story.

Sanji will get a fight, but now it is to the point that I dont even want to see it. Not a Sanji fanboy, as I always say. It is not poor Sanji's fault, it is just poor writing.
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They said A few chapters back that sanji will fight jack, the lie detector determined that was a lie :sanmoji:
After that they said sanji will perospero, the lie detector determined that was lie:usoprice: Now they saying sanji will fight queen but future sight determined that's a lie
Sanji vs Jack....
Inu: No

Sanji vs Kanjuro....
Kiku: No

Sanji vs Perospero....
Neckomaushi: No

Sanji vs P1....
Big Mom: No

Sanji vs Queen
Big Mom and Chopper: No

Only one left is King who will defeat Marco:goyea:
The more we advance in the raid, the more we move towards a Queen vs Sanji

Your biggest argument was based on Sanji and Momonosuke but unfortunately Sanji goes directly to chopper

for the King it's simple he is currently fighting against marco, every time we saw them fighting, it was a King vs Marco and Queen who took care of the samurai (Nothing to do with Marco) and others, everything is put in addition for a Sanji vs Queen
Him going to chopper doesn't mean he's fighting queen,:seriously: king wasn't fight marco last time we saw marco king went Mia and marco was held queen it just goes to show you that your a liar a d believe your own reality
I had a crazy dream about One piece. Onigashima was in the middle of an burning sea and Kaido had a second df similar to Sengokus fruit and punched a gigantic shockwave with fused CoC. He had a stance like WB and the shockwave was covered in green light. Luffy, Kid, Law, Zoro, Killer and Marco made an combined attack to stop it but half of Onigashima got destroyed. I thought it was real and when I woke up I was sad
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