Action Feedback
To avoid any potential confusion that may arise, I would like to give a little insight into how night-time feedback with the actions will work for this game.
-You will not be told that you were role-blocked unless you use an ability that demands knowledge of success or failure.
E.g. investigative and recruiting abilities. They will only receive "action fail" as a result.
-You will not be told if your action was redirected.
-You will not be told if you got attacked or protected at night. You won't be told if you were killed either as you'll discover that in the write-up.
-You will not be told that you were role-crushed during a specific night. Just like the role-block, abilities that demand knowledge of success or failure will be told their action failed. However, if you have been role-crushed for a surplus number of cycles, you have been role-crushed for the next 2 cycles as an example, then you will be told of such.
-If you have lost an ability in any shape or form, then you will be told so.
These are not the only feedback results there are. Any other in-game ones will remain confidential. I'll provide a brief explanation of what some terminology entail as a few of these might lead to confusion. A role crush is when your entire role fails. It means that both of your active and passive abilities aren't working. A cycle encompasses two phases: a day and a night. A cycle doesn't necessarily start with a day phase. It begins depending on when your specific action has been used. E.g. I performed a role crush on Y player during Night 2. It lasts for 2 cycles. This means that the effect of the role crush will disappear at the start of Night 4. From Night 2 to Night 4, that player has been role-crushed. This includes Night 2. Night 2 and Day 3 would be the first cycle. Night 3 and Day 4 will be the second cycle. So by the end of Day 4 or the start of Night 4, it's the same thing basically, the role crush effect will be gone.