Who will Knock Out Sanji?

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Pathetic Loda undermined Waido by off-panel his beloved MC. How pathetic he is. And now we all know what‘s gonna happen next...

We will witness miraculously with amount of bs and asspull how LLuffy is going to „take Waido down“
lol do you think zoro killing kaido would be better? yes lets have the MC take 3 Ls just to have his vice captain kill him. that would be an asspull and horrible writing


Lead them to paradise.
lol, I despise leveling. So If im gonna, play Im gonna need to buy that boost. Also I prefer to live vicariously through streamer eyes for classic stuff. I went super hard on retail and burnt out. Would have even gotten CE if I kept playing.
I’d be down to play it if you’re down! My girl will play it too.

@TheAncientCenturion if you wanna play BC with us you’re free to join bro!
after reading the spoilers, fear of the yonkos came again. akayasa 9 < 5 worst gen < even receiving scar < conq haki fist blows still not enough for god damn kaido. this is showing how freaking strong kaido are. if this kaido were marinefold instead old wekened whitebeard then RIP 3Admirals. no one even able to scratch him except mihawk
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