I don't really think this is all that relevant? Sasaki's crew seemed to possess much greater individual combat ability (thick shields for defence, and cannons for offence), yet they seemed to largely be a nuisance to Yamato and she was in the process of wiping all of them out before Hatchan showed up.
This was without any named techniques mind you.
Who's Who's crew hasn't been depicted as formidable warriors, in possession of powerful defences, wielding potent weaponry or even shown to have the sheer numbers of Sasaki's.
After Who's Who began his fight against Jimbe, it's not even clear that his crew intervened. In the one panel we've seen of the fight it was Jimbe vs Who's Who alone, not Jimbe vs Who's Who's crew.
The Jimbe is fighting Who's Who along with his crew seems like a weird sort of coping to me. I haven't gotten the sense that Who's Who's crew matters in this fight.