Lmfao I asked a question.
You're citing luffy knocking him down as some big feat when he's been knocking him down since 923 and in 1000 and in 1003 etc even then by his own admission his hits haven't been deep enough
The scabbards knocked kaido down couldn't do what zoro did
The fights done now and zoro did the most damage to kaido
Zoro had the best defensive feat on onigashima too. But sure keep telling me he knocked him down.
The one who did most damage was Luffy
And Zoro did similar damage to scabbard EXCEPT it will last, simply because of color of king’s haki
Meaning, the damage the scabbards used to inflict on Kaido is in similar magnitude to Zoro’s... it was not too deep.. it was all still superficial which is why Kaido didn’t even fall into his knees...EVEN zoro himself admitted it was not impressive!
It was superficial but it will last due to supreme king haki usage only!
while Luffy on the other hand, we have Kaido himself who’s saying he had the most fun and fired up around Luffy since a long time, and last chapter they were smiling together about their match
did Kaido even compliment Zoro in any time other than when he said “you did more than enough with a lasting scar” simply not because it was too deep, rather it’s still weak and superficial but will last for King’s haki
And did it unconsciously
while the other (Luffy) uses it consciously and damages Kaido from the inside with his punches and putting him on his ass has less feat with your standards?
the same dude Kaido enjoyed fighting among all 5 supernova the most?
Get the fuck out of here with your biased logic for Zoro