[FNZ] Super Role Madness [Season 2] Round 5 - Joker Appears In Worstgen

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Except your post restriction is really poorly conceived. You can simply quote or mention Emi, and then say whatever you please apparently. And as a result, I don't think I believe it.
You know he isn't Town, though.
One thing that has struck me here is that for all of your candid speaking, you've yet to claim your win con. I suggest you do so.
And what part of this is a gut feeling?

@QueenEmilia Did you or did you not use the chip?
Yesss i did :3

AL sama

Red Haired
??? activated Hand to Hand Skills on ???

@Midnight Delight has been killed

King Harkinian

[Active-The Triforce of Courage] King Hark can use The Triforce of Courage to protect him in a Night Phase. Any negative action performed against him will fail and the person performing them will be rolecrushed the next Night Phase [2 shots]

[Active- Mah Boy] King Hark can visit a person at night to investigate them and see if they Town Friendly or Scum. First time the accuracy of the investigation is 50%. 100% if he visits said Person once again the next Night Phase.

[Passive-I wonder what's for Dinner] King Harkinian loves Dinner, as such he has to speak about Dinner at least 10 times a Day phase. No matter what the subject at the time is.

[Active-Send Link] King Harkinian can send a message to an user telling him who to target. If the person does so and he is town while the target is Scum. Their action will be buffed into a super action [1 shot]

win-condition : eliminate all threats to town.
1 @Udell
2 @Flower
3 @Kvothe Kingkiller
4 @Finalbeta
5 @Queen
6 @~UwU~
7 @Ratchet
9 @Ekkologix
10 @RippedCal
11 @T-Pein™
12 @Melontonin
13 @TheAncientCenturion
14 @Gambit
15 @MangoSenpai
16 @Typo
17 @Midnight Delight
18 @Rej
19 @Light D Lamperouge
20 @QueenEmilia
21 @DynaMight
22 @Fujishiro
@QueenEmilia Oh god i wish i could say to Udell he is def way out of his league and his impact on the game can do nothing to alter me winning or loosing. Tho watching him being so vigilante is amusing. So far i think only Ratched figured out just how powerful asset i can be
You want to know what I find funny? This is what scum usually tell me after I pin them down. Yes I am certainly out of my league after all my abilities pale in comparison to yours. I just love how everyone CONVIENTLY design their abilities and called themselves 3rd party rather than town. Bro cry me a river. I should have made an ability that give town 2 lynches in a phase cause all yall ningens immune to superkills.


Lead them to paradise.
I want to join ;-; BUT FREAKING REJ BANNED ME! I wanna party with everyone else :c
Clearly he mad a mistake, every party needs its dancing


The End and the Beginning
Ohhh wait I thought he meant restriction to talking to someone too LMAO nvm
Posting Restrictions can come in just about any form. Language, construction, formatting, all of it can be used to restrict how a player posts. Generally speaking, games with a theme such a "Members Mafia" feature these prominently to reflect how each Member speaks. For example, if one were to make a role of me, you might place a post restriction that requires the player to type a certain number of words per post. And so on.

Now, to get to brass tacks. I asked you a question. You've failed to respond, so I'm asking again. Did you, or did you not, use the chip? If the answer is yes, why? If the answer is no, to whom did you pass it on to?
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