
Big Mom thinks Oldbeard > Kaido, so obviously Primebeard is above him. That's not even debatable.
BM never thought about 1 vs 1
Lol it was about wars! We know WB had most allies and has that powerful df.

On 1 vs 1 bet on kaido
Ace novel already told us it is hard to crown who is stronger individually between Kaido and WB

Also BM doesnt think Old WB! But WB as whole...
Old WB is below Kaido and BM, old sick wh is th weakest yonko pre ts.


:smithnie: WB wankers

Early Prime WB canot even beat young Oden quickly

Where is Bogard? Lol

Time to reuse my Kaido>=Roger/WB when it comes to 1 vs 1 battles
Roger/WB>Kaido when it comes to piracy life and accomplishments.

Even Ace novel confirms that WB was WSM because of his great piracy life