What’s the spoiler provider hiding from us?

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It's time to admit weakling trio is a thing of the past, even if Chopper ultimately lose, the difference of treatment between him and Usopp/Nami this arc is huge
I mean the weakling trio was basically done when it was mentioned, as I'm "the weakling trio is no more".
Luffy fans right now:

I feel ya!:josad:
I don't feel like that, and I don't think many other Luffy fans feel like that.

Luffy fought a yonko 1vs1 in base for 30 minutes, and will beat Kaido before the end of the arc, as he does with all serious arc enemies he says he will beat, everything else is stall.

I'm only irritated Oda is even stalling the other fights that have to start let alone finish before he can stop stalling Luffy vs Kaido, just to ramp up the drama.
The serious end game matchups for the arc, BM vs Robin, Jinbe vs Whoswho and Franky vs Sasaki can't progress because he is still slowly setting things up, it just feels awkward.


Kitetsu Wanker
Yea finally a powerup for Chopper!!
Loool seems like Chopper gets a massive PU
Not really... He can stay in MP for who knows long. Only his sanity is extended from 3 minutes to an unspecified ammount.
Even when he loses the sanity he continues fighting in Monster Point, the difference is, whoever is in front of him is an enemy...
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