What’s the spoiler provider hiding from us?

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I think that becoming the new joy boy means becoming the most powerful being capable of turning the world upside down.
It's not related to being reincarnated into a deity or anything, it's more like an honorary title like "the most powerful swordsman" for mihawk.
And I'd like to add that joy boy was called that because he always smiled when he was fighting, like roger and luffy


Talent is something you make bloom.
Read through this thread, I bet everyone in the first 200 pages who talked about Chopper being commander level and giving Queen a challenge is feeling like a clown now fr:gokulaugh:
They aren't.
They will ignore it like they didn't say anything.
Dont worry about that.
Imaging thinking of luffy as a boy in a barrel. His Grandfather is one of the strongest in the verse, his father too, from a special D clan. Luffy was never an underdog like how naruto was portrayed to be.
Never luffy was showed to be they underdog in the way naruto was .
There themes and story aspects were nothing alike .


Zoro Worshipper
Yes Im's size is not properly deciphered so far. It could prove the case too. He should be rather big for it to match the size of a giant. Let's say one 20 meters tall.

But the bounty poster doesn't look big at all, unless it was one of a bigger size.
Regardless I would tend to be skeptical about Oda and sizes, this is why I support that theory, just looking at Enma.
Imaging thinking of luffy as a boy in a barrel. His Grandfather is one of the strongest in the verse, his father too, from a special D clan. Luffy was never an underdog like how naruto was portrayed to be.
He is always a underdog in his Main fight in each arc. And Yes first his grandpa is Marine Hero, the his Father is another Big Shot, then he is D, he will become a Dawn and now he is a Joy Boy. Its like he was destinned for this instead to earn PK title.
Read through this thread, I bet everyone in the first 200 pages who talked about Chopper being commander level and giving Queen a challenge is feeling like a clown now fr:gokulaugh:
I just hope he gets something after. Idk how, but I just hope he's not fucked over with a matchup, especially if Ulti and P1 come back for Usopp and Nami
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