What’s the spoiler provider hiding from us?

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Chopper is a doctor not a magician that can cure someone within minutes.
Zoro has already had his medical treatment advised by another doctor, he can't get a second opinion and suddenly be ready to fight lol, he'd need Marco's help for that.
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How useless is Yamato btw, spending all that damn time sitting on her thumbs with Momo then as soon as she leaves to go to Kaido he comes to Momo.:gokulaugh:
No one said he will be ready to fight in few minutes. Actually, Zoro not being ready to fight for many chapters is the REAL REASON WHY HE WILL FIGHT KAIDO AGAIN.

It will take chapters for Luffy to think of a way to beat Kaido, heal, and reach Kaido again.
It will take chapters for Zoro to heal.
Coincidence? I think not.

Perfect timing for both of them to be ready for round two at the same time.

Bro the way how Kaido come in the room, beastly visually, the way how he hit Kinemon,a very epic panel.
I really think that Kanjuro and Kiku staying dead at the end of the arc, don´t know about Kinemon, Oda could use Kinemon dead to push Luffy even more like Luffy coming back and seeing Kinemon get killed by Kaido, this would push Luffy at maximum.

As I said in last spoiler thread, you can see Oda speed up the story and bring the dark sound into the story, three deaths alone in this chapter(if we count Kinemon too). From now the downfall of the alliance begin, in the moment when the calamiity and flyers using hybrid or even awakening, the alliance getting pushed back badly, this is the start of the end.

MrMorj going to have fun with this chapter.
@Jew D. Boy: so the true reason for Oda separating Yamato from Momonosuke is revealed. Oda wanted to write a fitting end to Kanjuro's story and for Kinemon to give his body to protect Momonosuke.

Had Yamato been with Momonosuke when Kanjuro appeared, she would have taken him out.

Had she been there when Kaido appeared, she would have blocked the club strike.

The scenes of:
  • Kiku's "death"
  • Kanjuro's "death"
  • Kinemon sacrificing himself to block Kaido
Simply could not be written in the fashion Oda wanted to write them.

Also, lol at the Yamato vs Jack advocates. Yamato is now on the Third Floor and entirely clear of Jack. Oda simply doesn't want them to fight.

@Ten Yaksha Blother, @Topi Jerami.
Lmao Cinera 😅🤣

You really lol-ing at Yamato vs Jack in this chapter?
Same chapter where Yamao is running the empty rooftop?

Had she did more babysit as usual and still be with Momo, she would meet Kaido already. But nope. She ran off on her own, while Kaido actually moves to her initial location.
No one said he will be ready to fight in few minutes. Actually, Zoro not being ready to fight for many chapters is the REAL REASON WHY HE WILL FIGHT KAIDO AGAIN.

It will take chapters for Luffy to think of a way to beat Kaido, heal, and reach Kaido again.
It will take chapters for Zoro to heal.
Coincidence? I think not.

Perfect timing for both of them to be ready for round two at the same time.
That's a damn good point
No one said he will be ready to fight in few minutes. Actually, Zoro not being ready to fight for many chapters is the REAL REASON WHY HE WILL FIGHT KAIDO AGAIN.

It will take chapters for Luffy to think of a way to beat Kaido, heal, and reach Kaido again.
It will take chapters for Zoro to heal.
Coincidence? I think not.

Perfect timing for both of them to be ready for round two at the same time.
"It will take time for things to happen"- is a "coincidence"? wtf dude
Lmao Cinera 😅🤣

You really lol-ing at Yamato vs Jack in this chapter?
Same chapter where Yamao is running the empty rooftop?

Had she did more babysit as usual and still be with Momo, she would meet Kaido already. But nope. She ran off on her own, while Kaido actually moves to her initial location.
How many seconds will she last against Kaido senpai? :myman:
Bao Huang "Announcemnt to all on Onigashima!! The results are in!! The highest bounty of the invading force 'Straw Hat Luffy' has been defeated~!!"
So a indirect confirm that Luffy bounty is above Marco or did they cut of Marco from the list?

Whos Who "Hahaha Good News!!"
My boy...
Fighting a Shichibukai(on Doffy,Boa,Kuma lvl) and still laughing while beeing in base form, I can smell WsW hype feats soon.
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