Judge is trash.
Zeff is great.
Honestly, I think Prime Zeff was much stronger than we know or give him credit for. He even called the first half of the Grand line 'paradise'. Maybe he did travel to the New World in his one year of travelling there? Someone mentioned that in his prime, Zeff left footprints on steel by walking. Maybe it's false hype but it's a pretty big feat if real.

He is past his prime, hasn't trained or fought since his pirate days, lost a significant portion of his strength from eating his own leg, plus it's been years since we've seen the old man. Also making him stronger than we thought he is would be a very 'Oda' thing to do.

Maybe he was both, a better father and even a better fighter when compared to fucking Judge, lol. :myman::milaugh:

Gorosei Informer

Judge is trash.
Zeff is great.
Factual. I typed out a long response discussing the themes of parenthood, adoption, inheritance especially "not bearing/burdening the sins of ours fathers" and I somehow managed to accidentally erase it all, please don't ask how.


This really helps summarise some of what I was trying to talk about and funnily enough, I was thinking of exactly this quote and scene it's from and the characters involved here too in the meme!:


Respect to the people who raise other's children and give them the parental support, love, presence etc they need especially men willing to raise other men's children, as a LOT of men out there don't want to do that! It's disgusting! Children shouldn't bear the sins of their fathers!

This. The point of the arc was that Judge was wrong on judging people only on physical strenght so Sanji has nothing to prove to him. He will get stronger in battle to help his crew,not for Judge.
How did you guys not understand that Sanji defeating Yonji off the bat was to establish that he was more than strong enough and to cut off that storyline right at the start? Or did the numerous people saying "Sanji is so strong" - somehow fly over your head? It wasn't very subtle.

Gorosei Informer

This is awkwardly and ironically timed after what I just posted LOL!

RIP Ace though man. The more we learn about him, the worse his death gets for us too ironically. I really wish Tama could get some kind of reunion with him in a positive way, like seeing his ghost somehow. I hope she and Yamato can get to meet Sabo but it's really sad especially Tama that they'll never see Ace again, at least as far as we know.

It's like Momonosuke and Hiyori losing both their parents, it's even worse for Momo given his age but Hiyori also had to stay behind in Wano and live in hell for 20 years, waiting for the prophecy and her brother and some of the Scabbards to return and so on. All whilst living in the rule of their worst enemies and murderers of their parents.

Before Zou, we only had hints about Sanji's past. He was from the North Blue. That's really just it. We had no info on his relationship with his former family. It ALL was brought up during Zou and WCI.
At first, we were shown that he hates them, but we have the flashback. We see that Reiju cared for him, his mother as well. So, in the middle of these fuckers, there were good people as well. When Reiju tells him to run with Luffy and let the Vinsmokes be killed, Sanji protests saying that it would mean letting Reiju die as well.
Now here's the thing. In most japanese stories, blood ties are VERY relevant to a character's development. The "you are as bad/good as your "insert family member here" was" theme is quite the buzz. Or even to solidify the character as much different as possible. 8 or 80. Rarely we have middle grounds. Which is the reason that, despite hating them, Sanji could not bring himself to let them get assassinated. He still wants to save them.
When Judge confronts him about this, Sanji does not give him a "we're family" speech. Quite the contrary. He just says that his REAL father would be disappointed for Sanji holding to old grudges. The love he feels for Zeff as his real father is greater than all the suffering he endured from the Vinsmokes. This is the message.
Now...this last part is speculation. We don't actually know if giving Sanji the Raid Suit was Judge's idea, or his siblings'. Niji is the one that sneaks it into his pocket while saying "you're too slow. you will die if you stay the way you are". Judge is a dick, but the brothers were modified before birth to literally become assholes. It's not really their fault. They merely reproduced all the hatred Judge felt towards Sanji due to Sora's passing. It COULD be a little glimpse of "emotions" coming from his brothers, showing a message that Sanji's act of kindess towards them was enough to even counter the modifications they suffered and show emotions themselves, like gratitude.
Back to the real thing.
Sanji CONSTANTLY says he doesn't want to be seen as part of Germa due to using the suit, but he also acknowledges that he needs the power if the SH's are going against formidable opponents that he cannot beat the way he currently is. There's absolutely ZERO contradiction with this. The gag of "dont call me germa", "i dont like them as well" "i am just soba mask" acts as a reminder that even if Sanji is willing to use the suit from Judge, it still doesn't mean he likes Judge or whatever.
The CHANGE Sanji went through WCI was, instead of throwing away a useful tool from someone he hates, he accepted it because there are more important things in his life.
First of all, I never said that Sanji's kindness disappeared, I agree that Sanji saved his family because they're his family. I don't know why you brought it up and wrote ton shit of words for absolutely no reason.

Second, once again Sanji's gag is his pervertness, Sanji refusing to fight against villain female is part of his character.

Third, Sanji's character growth that you're talking about, works only if Sanji gave up his principles/pride of not fighting against females for sake of his friends. As I've said it again, again, again once again: in Enies Lobby it has been established that Sanji is willing to sacrifice his own life and the life of his loved ones for sake of his principles. You can't go back, it has been established, ok. If Sanji had a MAJOR character growth in WCI and was willing to change his mind on that topic, then that's different. But he didn't, hence accepting the raid goes against Sanji's character.
But it is used as a gag, cuz it may end up putting Sanji on situations where he can't afford to do anything but get beaten while simping, being a pervert completely depends on the situation, there are many of them where Sanji should be pervert but it just doesn't happens.
That's because Oda is the undisputed God of inconsistency. Is there anything in one piece that has been consistent throughout one piece?