Is Pan D. A Man Moe?

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That's just a partial L. You still think he isn't going to fight King but he obviously is.
Sanji will defeat just Queen in the end but Sanji vs Queen and King is happening. And then Sanji and Zoro vs Queen and King :shocking:
We'll be both wrong and right at the same time but I'll have my aerial fight (and the RS eating Marco's fruit) :finally:
Time to change that sig bro it doesn't make any sense anymore:suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure:
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Jinbei fans i am so sorry :josad:
No jack fight

No monster trio

has to fight opponent similar level to franky opponent

now gorilla man is back

If we scale the Strawhats power lvl according to their current opponent we'd have:
Sanji(~Queen) > Jinbei(~Who's Who) ~ Franky+Shogun(~Sasaki) ~ Robin+Brook(~Black Maria) > Chopper(<Queen) > Nami+Usopp(<Ulti)
Zoro ~ 0.4 Yonko
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Shit! ZKK is absolute now. :steef:

The match up is settled. Zoro didn't even bother with fodder King and fodder Queen. The dude just leave them to Marco and Sanji. He will be healed at the same time with Luffy and both will comeback to claim the Dragon head.

No way Oda will let Kaidou alive after he killed some of the alliance.

Let's go, ZKK!! :finally::finally::finally:

Sasaki Kojirō


And to think that QUEEN, KING, JACK, WW, SASAKI didn't use their hybrids is still surprising, what does ODA expect from this? Will ODA wait for KAIDO to use the awakening for his subordinates to release their beasts? The thing is, WW is fighting at BASE against one of the strongest Shichibukai. AND QUEEN in ZOAN form, KING fighting MARCO at BASE, while MARCO is fighting at his best. JACK started their showdown at BASE as well.
Yea. Just as at one point it was Luffy vs Kaido 1v1, Nami vs Ulti 1v1, Chopper vs Queen 1v1, Usopp vs Page One 1v1,...

Stop getting deluded by one hype moment and look at the bigger picture. Oda does it over and over again this Arc and y'all keep falling for his fake match ups lmao.
This moment directly parallels Sanji's moment with Jabra in Enies Lobby which was a 1v1 fight.

It was obvious that Luffy won't be able to beat the Top 1 guy in the verse just after learning a thing or two, another round was pretty obvious. Chopper vs Queen was never meant to happen, too out of the former's paycheck. Nami and Usopp aren't really strong enough to fight healthy Ulti and Page One. They still might fight their weakened versions tho. There's no such problem with Sanji's match-up.
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