General & Others Onigashima’s Size Revisited - The State of the Wankdom in 2021

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
So I was re-reading some of Wano in an attempt to convince myself that the arc isn’t as terrible as I initially perceived it to be. I was unsuccessful.

But this isn’t about that. This is a re-emphasis of a point I made one year ago: that Onigashima is absolutely tiny, and nowhere near as large as some people make it out to be. Let’s get started:

In the above panel, Dragon Kaido is clearly visible atop Onigashima. This scaling is consistent with Dragon Kaido’s size in reference to the skull in Chapter 987:

And in chapter 991 where the hole Kaido created is clearly visible above the skull’s left eye:

Now I’m not going to go into detail on Dragon Kaido’s size, his size has been pretty consistent and there’s no need to say anything about his size accept for the fact that he is most likely not even 1 kilometer in length, which would mean Onigashima is not even close to a kilometer in height or from horn to horn.

Now I’m going to pre-emptively debunk an argument I can already see coming, even though I’m sure some will ignore this and repeat the argument that I’ve already addressed:

“But Lee, if Dragon Kaido really is that large in comparison to Tinygashima, then why didn’t Oda ever draw Kaido or the hole again aside from these few panels?”

Thank you for asking. The answer is twofold:
1. Oda is not a very detailed artist most of the time
2. Oda’s art serves to communicate information to the audience and not necessarily to accurately reflect reality.

I’ll give a quick example of what I mean by the above:

In the very top right panel of this page, Oda draws Kaido but does not draw any of the scabbards even though they were right on top of him. The reason for this is because the purpose of that panel was to highlight Kaido’s aching scar. Thus, Oda does not draw any of the scabbards even though they are all present.

So in the future, when Oda emits drawing dragon Kaido and the hole from the skull, it’s not because dragon Kaido magically shrank or the hole was repaired by someone, but because Oda was trying to emphasize other points aside from Kaido. There are plenty of other indicators of Onigashima being about this small, just to make a couple:

^Big Mom is clearly visible here and is 100% consistent with Dragon Kaido’s size, again showing how small the skull is.

^Kaido himself imagines Onigashima fitting neatly inside of the Flower Capital, which is nowhere near as big as Dressrosa.

I’ll also spoiler tag my initial Onigashima scaling which is lightning accurate:

So what is the point of this thread?

The size of Onigashima is one of the most hilariously-wanked structures in the history of One Piece. There are otherwise reputable posters who will argue that the distance from the center of the skull to either horn is six freaking kilometers, there are people who argue that Onigashima is bigger than Marineford, there are people that Onigashima is surrounded by literal mountains when in reality they are more like really big rocks, etc. etc. etc.

Of course, none of these things are true, Onigashima is the definition of a very small island within One Piece, in fact golem Pica is arguably larger than Onigashima is.

Live long, prosper, and wank Admirals.

@God Buggy @Admiral Mou Bu @MarineHQ62 @Sakazuki-Singh @mad monk @GreenEggsAHam @MagmaDog @silverfire @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Mr. Anderson @Owl Ki @ShishioIsBack @HA001 @Light D Lamperouge @Jiihad @Van @Cinera @TheAncientCenturion @comrade
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I didn’t say Marineford was a large island, you clown lol. In fact in my scaling above I said Onigashima was slightly bigger.

But I commend you for running face-first into a wall.
Onigashima is absolutely tiny
there are people who argue that Onigashima is bigger than Marineford
Of course, none of these things are true, Onigashima is the definition of a very small island within One Piece, in fact golem Pica is arguably larger than Onigashima is.
Enough said.
After reading that,i am sure Luffy's new g4 form +double KKG coated with adv.coa and coc will absolutely obliterate Onigashima into dust!
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Interesting read. Also, Dressrosa is huge lol. It's also worth mentioning that while Fujitora was keeping all those rubble in the air, he destroyed this with his attack :

Those are big. In all, he showed some big displays of power.
Don't forget about the meteor showers lol Fuji is pretty strong!