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What could have been...
The First Story Arc: Idols Are Dying!

"Our Idols are professionals in their jobs!"

[???] activated [Nene Pro.]
Bird Noises are occuring.
[???] activated [Charade]
[???] activated [Treasure Hunt]
[???] activated [Sora Dying]
[???] activated [Haachama Cooking] on [???]

An event has been triggered: You may guess who Yozora Mel is voting on this day. If you guess correctly in your Role PM then you may be granted a bonus.

@Midnight Delight has revealed themselves as [Momosuzu Nene][Top-Left Town]
"I am the Town Saviour and scum Anti Christ, Protect or assist me and I will grant you The Power, do not disobey me" - She said.

@~UwU~ [Tokino Sora] has been killed.

Day 1 Action Phase Ends. Day 1 Execution Phase Starts.
>>>Click for Countdown!<<<
does diff town factions win together?
its pretty clear JW killed himself

he can revive on cycle 8 to get the clothes kek

2 IC is a bit too much if a town pool already for scum to swallow. How many scum factions we expect here?

i dont think anyone is center is there? its only top bottom, right and left. expcet the sample flipped akai role


What could have been...
my role says im a member of the xxx town

but akai role literally just says you are THE center town

its probably the only center in the game. maybe indie
Also, you misunderstand what I mean by spam @Udell

Spam is 99% of what Midnight posts and I don't care for it no matter the faction.
I know what you mean. I would policy lynch midnight but in your previous post it was clear you were unaware that he was town. Which means someone didn't read the WU. So be candid. What are you really trying to say here?
I know what you mean. I would policy lynch midnight but in your previous post it was clear you were unaware that he was town. Which means someone didn't read the WU. So be candid. What are you really trying to say here?
I didn't read the WU before Flowa linked it.
I would kill him on a whim if I could :suresure:

Which part is unclear to you?
*deep breath* *Flex my clairvoyance muscles* I think the scenario would be... some people are kind of convinced that Usopp is scum, then he gets online, refuses to claim,gets mad, gets pushed regardless, he claims something absurd, people start having second thoughts, aaaand we lynch someone else.

The thing is Usopp doesn't have a sit on stone play-style, there's circumstances he is surrounded with, and it effects the way he plays.
He is a lazy fuck as town, cuz town sucks, unless he feels the urge he needs to step up for a reason like the day is being driven by someone he doesn't trust. if he is scum in a great team he is going to be a lazy fuck, but if he had some newbie that depends on him then again, he would feel the urge to step up and actually have a solid stance in the thread. sort of like Toda from JJK. if he is getting hammered down he is not going to stop talking until you leave him. if you leave him be he is going to leave all of you be. a scum Usopp with newbies would have started a wagon cuz he knows the value of mislynches, or the value of credits he will get if he lynches a another scum. if he slips (and he does a lot) he will try to cover it with a huge amount of bullshit but we should be able to see through it.
I am not sure what he is myself I need him to defend himself first at least, though if he is scum I think he will come up with a claim that he would say he can confirm or some shit we will have to wait for.
This guys and gals is what you would know when you share a 200+ pages team chat with Usopp in it.
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