Character Discussion Zoro will become Officially Vice Captain after Wano

I doubt there’ll ever be an official vice captain given by Luffy. However, I think CP0 and the marines will report it like Zoro being Luffys right hand man joining him in the assault on Kaido meanwhile Sanji will be reported as the chief of staff/quartermaster looking after his crewmates from the calamities. As such the world will see the monster trio as SH leadership team but they won’t have any official title
So far Straw Hats had ---> Captain - Fighter - Navigator - Sniper - Cook - Doctor - Archeologist - Shipwright - Musician
And recently Jinbe Officially joined as Helmsman of The Crew which really made me notice something:

Jinbe has been a Major Character since his Introduction in Impel Down Arc & he had so much Screen Time in MF Saga, Fishmen Island Arc & WCI Arc until he finally joined in Wano Arc. (He even had his own Cover Story) & yet in most of that time, Oda never Highlighted his Helmsman Skills until near the End of WCI Arc. This shows us that his Helmsman Skills were only added to give him a Role in Straw Hat Crew. Which makes us conclude that for Someone to Join Crew, they "Must" fill a Role.

Also keep in mind that Straw Hats were steering the Ship for almost 1000 Chapters & Jinbe wasn't needed & yet when he joined, he relieved all Crew from Duty of taking the Wheel & it became his Job now. So the idea of New Crew Members taking on Jobs that Previous Members were already doing is very Possible.

Recently, most Fans are expecting Yamato to join Crew & tbh the chances of it happening are extremely High, especially since she really wants to & asked for it already.
Which begs the question, what will be her Role if she does indeed Join?

So far, she showed no Unique Skills except Fighting Ability & her entire Theme is about Fighting & being Strong which fits "Fighter" Role.
However that Position is already taken by Zoro, but as i said before, New Members can take previous Jobs of Former Members so if Yamato becomes "Fighter" of The Crew, then Zoro will obviously take on a New Role & that's none other than "Vice Captain" & this is strengthened by observing Red-Hair Pirates who have both Vice Captain & Fighter & they aren't not the same.

After this, i don't believe Oda is gonna stop there, i'm sure he will provide Straw Hat Crew with all Roles Available & Possible.
So by checking other Pirate Crews, we find that Straw Hats also lack "Chief of Staff" (Which is a Secondary Job for one of them), "Pirate Apprentice" (Someone who Trains under them) & Explorer/Lookout/Ship Protector (Someone who stays on Watch at the Top, which is a Job that all SHs take turns in doing, so just like Helmsman Duty, they need someone to take over that Job Permanently)

And the Answers are very obvious:

Who deserves Chief of Staff? It's obviously Sanji & it fits him perfectly
Who deserves to be Cabin Boy? Obviously someone Young who wants to get Stronger & made a connection with Captain, Vice Captain & Fighter of the Crew & that's none other than Momonosuke ofc
Who deserves to be Lookout/Explorer? Obviously someone who dreams about exploring & seeing everything, jump up & down easily & that's obviously Carrot.
She will also be kinda Protector of the Ship since her job is being always on Lookout there. She is also inspired by Pedro who had very similar Roles & Theme.

So imo after Wano, there will be Three Additional Straw Hats (Yamato, Momo & Carrot) & they are the Final Recruits & we will have a Chapter dedicated to Highlighting again & for final time, each & everyone's Role & Position:

Luffy ---> Captain
Zoro ---> Vice Captain
Sanji ---> Cook + Chief of Staff
Yamato ---> Fighter
Nami ---> Navigator
Usopp ---> Sniper
Chopper ---> Doctor
Robin ---> Historian
Franky ---> Shipwright
Brook ---> Musician
Jinbe ---> Helmsman
Carrot ---> Lookout
Momo ---> Apprentice
I would see Jinbe as Chief of Staff since he has already advised Luffy on crucial decisions more than once.
And for the Cabin Boy, actually, I think it will be a Cabin Girl : Tama. She was supposed to be an apprentice on Ace's ship.
Fırstly , Luffy dont use hiyerarchy thing at crew.
Secondly, Zoro dont lıke responsibility things. You say to zoro target. And zoro take care of target.

As a plan and strategy thing , sanji is better than Zoro. (perceive events or case) But Zoro know pirates rules on shıp espically for captain better than Sanji. (He warned so many times Luffy about how to behave if you re captain ) This is just a balance.
Chopper is more fitted to be a vc than zolo, what does zolo do in that crew? He sleeps every day/eats/drinks and thats all.
If we are seriously, Jimbe is the one who should be the vc, not only that he has more notoriety than everyone in the crew/luffy, but he is also the most experienced crew member.
Let zoro sleep, he is good only to swing enma 2-3 times when they fight vs a crew, and then he goes again to sleep:gokulaugh:In term of IQ, he is probably the dumbest in the crew, not vc material.:milaugh:
always funny when sanji fans have to shill other character. Their boy is just that useless.


Zoro Worshipper
I don't think Zoro would fully get the recognition of a vice captain but he have a similar role in the ship so it's fine.
I don't think that Luffy specifically picked crew roles. It's mostly rather about dominance in my opinion probably. Zoro himself stated he would take over if Luffy lacked. Also I wonder if the crew would get disbanded without Luffy. Presumably.
I head canon that Zoro is the Vice Captain. Let's say it happens
officially. How will happen? Will Luffy line up the Strawhats like they do in the Bachelor and hand out roses?
My dream: this is his text box when he's waking up and stepping onto the Sunny deck post Wano.

Why would there be a hierarchy? Everyone can act as vice captain if put into the situation. Making an official vice captain role would put Oda into a corner
Lol, Zoro gives the orders if it's not Luffy. See Thriller Bark, see Wano. Zoro isn't the one to be utilized
Fırstly , Luffy dont use hiyerarchy thing at crew.
Secondly, Zoro dont lıke responsibility things. You say to zoro target. And zoro take care of target.

As a plan and strategy thing , sanji is better than Zoro. (perceive events or case) But Zoro know pirates rules on shıp espically for captain better than Sanji. (He warned so many times Luffy about how to behave if you re captain ) This is just a balance.
Luffy refused to have the grand fleet follow him, and yet here we are.

Zoro is the middle ground between strategy and Luffy's style of leadership. He gets shit done, but follows his guts. He figures out viable ways to win, but doesn't shy away from whooping some ass, even when it's not necessary.
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I suppose the best way to announce it is by having healed Zoro instill confidence into strawhats and the alliance on the livefloor before telling them he leaves the enemies to them as he makes his way towards Kaido followed by "roger that, vice captain" by Chopper or Jinbei or whomever.
I suppose the best way to announce it is by having healed Zoro instill confidence into strawhats and the alliance on the livefloor before telling them he leaves the enemies to them as he makes his way towards Kaido followed by "roger that, vice captain" by Chopper or Jinbei or whomever.
lol. There will never be a vice captain unless Oda goes and makes usopp the vice captain. There’s no point because sanji and nami have led the straw hats in luffys absence the most so there will never be an official vice captain
Most of you guys, missed the main reason i made this Thread
It's not about Zoro becoming Vice Captain, it's about Yamato who apparently if she joins can only fill "Fighter" Role
But that's already taken by Zoro

So there are Three Possibilities:

1. Yamato becomes New Fighter while Zoro is called Vice Captain (And Luffy doesn't have to necessarily do this, it could be Marco who suggest this to the Crew to be better Organized)

2. Yamato simply doesn't Join

3. Yamato joins but she fills another New Role such as "Ship Protector" or "Scout"